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June 2018

Hello :) It's finally time for us to set ourselves some goals for the month ahead, so here they are: Fraw at least 10 drawings and the theme is CARTOON CHARACTERS AND MONSTERS. Take at least 30 photos. Graduate at last. Defend our theses. Try and get back into being more healthy. Spring clean the dorm again. Walk at last 250 000 steps this month. Reward ourselves a bit for the graduation. Read a book. Water the cacti. That's all for today, we'll attempt to be back with a new post as soon as possible. Kai ela :)

Viimased postitused

Recap of May 2018

Photos of April :)

Eurovision 2018 Final: Our Overview

Eurovision 2018 Semi-Final 2 Our Overview

Eurovision 2001: Our Top 5

Eurovision 2018 First Semi-Final Overview

Eurovision 2000 Our Top 5

May 2018

Recap of April 2018

Estonia in Eurovision: Our Top 24