How to Live a Teeth Friendly Life (Road to Healthy part 15)

Hello :)

Today I happened to hear a show about how to live a life that is as teeth friendly as possible, it's a bit of a different blog post, but I found it very interesting, so here are a few tips that I heard and found interesting.

Firstly, it's quite obvious, that teeth should be brushed twice a day for about 3 minutes. It's commonly thought that more is better, but actually it's not about brushing your theeth often and for a long time period, it's much more important to brush them correctly, it's not so much about brushing the surface of the teeth, but rather the part where teeth and gums connect, the surface is cleaned anyway, every time we eat. It's also important to not use too much force as it will most likely do more harm than good. Also it is advised to use a soft toothbrush.

Next thing, when it comes to oral hygiene, is mouthwash, although it is often said to be benefitial, then it actually doesn't do much good for the teeth, it does kill the bacteria that lives in the mouth, but it also kills the good bacteria and all in all is sort of useless.

The last thing that I wanted to talk about, when it comes to the actual teeth cleaning process, is flossing, it is very strongly said that teeth should be flossed daily, however, that might actually not be the most important thing, actually, although teeth should be flossed, it should be only done in a way that doesn't hurt the gums and should only be done when necessary.

A big part of having happy healthy teeth, is the diet, the things we eat determine the amount of good/bad bacteria in the mouth, it was generally told that all processed and high sugar foods are bad for the teeth, it's also better to eat bigger meals more seldomly, as the acidic levels in the mouth have the chance to calm down then.

Lastly, if some people still are unaware, then teeth should be washed before eating, instead of after and if possible, the mouth shouldn't be cleaned with water too much afterwards, as that takes away the benefits of the toothpaste.

Those are just some of the facts that I found interesting from what I heard and maybe it's interesting for other people to read as well or maybe you already knew all of that.

Kaiela :)


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