Vegan Challenge: Day 3 - Just eating all of the food

Hello :)

Today is day 3 of me being vegan and day 22 for Kai. It's going pretty well so far, I feel fine, not deprived of anything and I don't have any crazy cravings yet either, although having eating a higher percentage of carbohydrates, has made me wish to consume more fat today, I don't think the high carbohydrate diet is for me, I feel my best when I get around 25% of my calories from fat and that's within the recommendation, so ideally I'd like to stay there.

I've been getting enough calories. Obviously I have been eating a lot more to reach those calories, my portion sizes have definitely gone up, but that's what I knew would happen, if I still wanted to reach my daily energy need, which is around 1900 kcal. So to anyone changing up their diet, I recommend following it via some apps or sites, that allow you to keep track of your nutrients and energy, then you know you're getting enough of everything or see, where you might be lacking. Either way it's useful and not too difficult.

I've still been treating myself to some of my favourite not so healthy snacks, but in moderation, since I do wish to be as healthy as I possibly can and I feel like I've managed to do that pretty well, so I am proud of myself.

I've also actually been making all of my meals myself as well, which I find fun, I usually don't spend this much time cooking and I've been enjoying it. I know that as it gets busier at school, I won't have as much time to do that, so I've been thinking about maybe trying mealpreping, but I'll see how that goes. I'll also add some photos of the meals I've had. 

I have granola every morning, I made it myself, by simply mixing together all of the things I like, the main part is oats, then some dried fruit, a bit of nuts, chia seeds and cocnut flakes, it tastes nice and is much cheaper than buying a ready made granola, so I will most likely continue making it that way. I have my granola with some chocolate flavoured soy milk, because it's simply so delicious.

As snacks during the day I like to have fruit, both dried and fresh fruit, I also enjoy black bread with peanut butter, every now and then I also have some nuts, but that's about it.

I've made many different things for dinner, starting from soup and ending with a variety of different amazing salads, I know salads don't sound fun, but they can be, I made one today as well, I'll add a photo of that and all of the ingrediences I used for it. It was really good.

As for Kai, she is still feeling great as well, she doesn't have any cravings for meat or anything else, her meals are rather similar to mine, only in the evenings she tends to have more pasta dishes, since she enjoys pasta very much, I'm not that much of a pasta lover myself, but I have had a bit of it as well.

So I guess that's all for today, we're feeling fine, not finding it challenging yet. See you in our next post.

Kaiela :)


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