Zodiac Signs - Is Kai a True Virgo?

Hello :)

Today, due to popular demand, we have another post about the Zodiac signs and since we already talked about my sign, I figured it'd be only appropriate to also give an overview of Kai's and we can tell what we think of the general description of a Virgo and if Kai suits the profile.

Anyway, let's just get into it. Virgos are known to be the perfectionists of the Sun signs. I definitely agree on that, Kai is the perfectionist type, she always goes above and beyond to make sure that whatever she is doing, is going to turn out amazing. She is also very punctual, never misses deadlines, if we agree to meet somewhere at a certain time, she'll be there early and you can always count on her to be as perfect as she possibly can with everything that she can control.

Virgos are supposed to also be huge nature lovers, they enjoy going for walks, hiking and doing general outdoor activities, I'd say that's definitely true about Kai, at least to an extent. Kai likes to walk a lot and she walks very fast, most of the time I am pretty much jogging after her and I don't think it's just because I have shorter legs, Kai just has this superpower of walking very fast, which I imagine she has acquired during her life as a Virgo.

Virgos are sometimes thought to be the shy and quiet ones, that is until they are comfortable around someone and then they never stop talking. That sentence alone is Kai in a nutshell.

Virgos are also supposed to be detail oriented, which I agree on for sure, Kai notices the oddest things, she is also supposed to be good at spell checking, I'll have to make use of that talent of hers for sure.

Success is also something that is very important to Virgos, I think it is so with most people, but Kai is also one of them, she enjoys being successful and gets down if she feels like she is not successful enough or even if someone tries to make her feel that way, so I guess it's true.

One of the things that perhaps isn't part of Virgos good side is that they are very hard on themselves and everyone around them, I haven't sensed that Kai would be very hard on me, but maybe I'm perfect (that's a joke), however I can see that she is very hard on herself when she really shouldn't be, I think she is amazing, talented, smart and hardworking, not to mention that she is an incredible friend - all of which are traits that Virgos are supposed to have.

Some also say that Virgos are good communicators, especially when it comes to written communications, I can't say that Kai would send me many e-mails, but I'm sure that the ones she sends out are miraculous.

Virgos tend to also be huge problem-solvers and they love to be helpful, I must say I agree. Sometimes all I want is to tell Kai what a hard day I've had and wish for her to pat me on the back and give me chocolate, but instead, she starts solving every single problem I have. I understand that it's out of the kindness of her heart, but I still miss the chocolate. Obviously, I actually think it's a good trait of hers, she helps me see things from a different angle when I feel like I'm stuck, so you go, Kai.

Cooking, cleaning, organising - Virgos love to do all of those things. Or do they? I can sort of see the organising spirit that Kai might have, but ultimately she is more of the type of Virgo who enjoys a creative mess, she knows exactly where all of her things are, even if it doesn't make sense.

I have already written quite a lot, but there's just so much more to a Virgo that I feel like I can't possibly fit it all to one blog post, I will, however, bring out some more traits that Virgos have that I think also are accurate about Kai, so a quick overview. She is very true to her rituals, she can take an eternity to get ready in the morning, but there isn't a single step that she can miss out on, all must be done, she works very hard, sometimes so much, that she simply forgets to give herself a break and relax, although I think she'd deserve one, she also sometimes maybe complains, just a little bit, she enjoys getting her problems out of her mind and I can only be honoured that she can confide in me. 

Last but not least, Virgos are described as hypochondriacs, I must say this one definitely goes for Kai, she can get too in touch with her body and maybe misinterpretable what she is feeling and then worry a lot and give herself a hard time, so I would say she is a hypochondriac indeed.

That is all for today if there are any other Zodiac signs you'd like us to write about, then go ahead and list them in the comments below and maybe we'll do it.

Kaiela :)


  1. Such a great detailed analysis. You could do that as a living :D

    I hope I'm next :)

    1. Thanks for the comment, if you're lucky then you will be :)


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