Hungergames: Mockingjay part 2 movie review

Happy Sunday!

Last friday we got the chance to go and watch Mockingjay part 2 in 3D, so we thought it would be approprita for us to give our own mini review of what we thought.

If any of you have not seen the movie or even heard of it, then it is a film, which is based on a book, a series of books to be precice and this was the last of the series. The last book was split into two spearate movies. I personally didn't mind that, since it made both of the movies more accurate to the books.

Firstly, if you have glasses and you're going to see a 3D movie, I'll warn you ahead, it's a bit uncomfortable, especially if you have a small nose and try to fit both of the glasses onto it, but not to worry, it's not impossible and we still got to enjoy the movie fully.

And now to the review, both me and Kai found the movie very good. We have both read the books and though it has been a while since we did that, the movie was very close to how I had imagined it in my head. That was definitely a pleasant surprise, since we both felt that the first movie was a little inaccurate. I believe there was a change of  director after that.

I've read and heard that some people felt that there was too much action going on in the movie and not enough actually happening. We didn't feel that way, if you have read the book, then you know, there was a lot of action going on. It is a war afterall.

I think the movie as well as the book were well written and interesting to watch and read. At parts of course it was sad, but the movie wasn't nearly as sad as the book. 

I think most people agree that the cast was amazing, all of the actors and actresses suited the characters very well and portraid them as I had imagined.

It was very exciting for Kai as well, since it was her first visit to the cinema and she seemed happy with the experience.

So as a conclusion I thought it was a great movie and if you get the chance, go and watch it. 

Have a nice end to your weekend and see you next week with new posts,
Kaiela :)


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