Moving on to May :)

Hello :)

Another month has passed so fast and it's time to make a recap of the past 30 days. We set ourselves some goals at the beginning of the month and now we'll write about how we did. We also have some more exciting posts coming up about everything we did last month, so stay tuned for that, but now let's just go over the 10 goals we had and how we did.

  1. Read a book, from start to finish, if possible, or just read more. - We are currently still reading The Magicians by Lev Grossman, I'm over half way through with it, but haven't felt like reading it much lately, hope to finish it in May, Kai has read a bit less than half of the book so far. I've also read some interesting health related artciles, which I might write about in the future.
  2. Try a new type of food, possibly vegan, but doesn't have to be - we have tried so many different new vegan and non vegan foods, I link some of our reviews here: Professional cereals, Oatly Vegan Ice Cream, Chips, OkoBay Vegan Ice Cream.
  3. Find something every day to be happy or proud about and write it down as much as possible - definitely did that we have a little paper on the wall where we write down everything that makes us happy, we'll continue to do that.
  4. Surprise the people we care about with something nice - we also managed to do that, surprised each other and our friends with something nice (mainly chocolate, but also some other Kai got me a Panic! at the Disco pen...I'm over the moon)
  5. Take a photo every day - almost every day, alltogether got 30 photos each, so we succeeded. There might be a blog post about them coming up soon.
  6. Worry less! (Especially you, Kai) - Well...I tried to worry less...
  7. Make healthier food choices whenever possible - We have been trying to do that as well, especially at the end of the month, I feel like it has gotten better.
  8. Find some good music and share it with the world, via our blog - Did that. Link HERE.
  9. Draw something - Apart from our everyday doodles, we actually did draw a few pictures, must say Kai did better than me on this one, I didn't draw quite as much.
  10. Keep the room semi-tidy. :) - I'd say we did it :)
So all in all I'd give us a 9,5 for all of that. I think we did well, our new goals will be up as soon as we come up with 10 new goals, if you have any ideas for goals, just leave them in the comments below.

Have a magical May,
Kaiela :)


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