Book Review: Lev Grossman "The Magicians"

Hello :)

Today I have a whole new type of blog post. I'm going to give a little review of the book "The Magicians", which I have been reading for a while now. I have finally had the time to finish it and I'm going to give my review of it. I'll also compare it with the TV series, which we have a review, I'll link it HERE.

So the book definitely goes a lot more indepth into the world of magic and Fillory. I liked the way it was written, although at parts it felt like it was going a bit too slow, I sort of expected more to happen, especially compared to the TV series, so that's why I wasn't so fast at finishing the book. However, once I had a little brake and went back to reading the book, I was actually quite hooked to it and enjoyed it more. I feel like if I had had more free time I probably would have finished it in one read, but since I was so busy, I could only read it in small portions and that took a bit away from the joy of reading the book.

In general, I am definitely excited to read the next books in the series, the story is interesting, the characters are diverse and very fascinating, however, I didn't feel a very strong connection to any of the characters, which is unusal for me, I usually feel at least a some sort of connection to a character or characters, but this time around, I liked the characters, but I wasn't extremely fond of any of them. Again, it might have been because I couldn't go into the book as much as I would've liked.

Compared to the series, the story was quite different, I won't give away any spoilers, but it definitely is slightly like a whole other story, I guess the TV series needed a bit more action in it and therefore they changed it a lot, even one of the character's name was changed and they also had replaced some of the characters, so it was different for sure. I'm guessing they wanted to make the series interesting to watch even for those, who had read the book, but all in all I enjoyed both of them. I liked the feel of the TV series maybe just slightly more, but the book was also amazing and definitely very well written.

Anyway, I recommend it for everyone, it's a good book and a great story.
Kaiela :)


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