Review: Set It Off - Upside Down

Hello :)

Today we're here with a small review for the new album by Set It Off, which is called Upside Down. It was actually released already on the beginning of October, but we kind of forgot, so we didn't start listening to it until last week. However, now we've finally gathered some thoughts to write about the new album.

Let's start with the general sound and feel of the entire album. They have kept their slight theatricality and dramatic approach to making music, which we love. The songs are probably a bit more lighthearted and positive compared to their previous work. There are a lot of motivational songs and also some good old angst and anger filled songs, although I'm not sure if those are the correct words to use, I guess each person has to listen for themselves, to understand what I mean.

Anyway as I mentioned the sound is a little different, therefore, at first I was a little unsure about my feelings about the new album, but Kai said that she loved it, so obviously I had to give it a few more listens and again I guess she has brainwashed me, since now they sound a lot better to me. I definitely have some favourites that I liked from the first listen, such as the songs Hypnotised and Crutch, which I guess resemble their older music more. 

We both also liked the song that was actually out already a while ago, called Uncontainable, we liked it at first listen as well and that made us wait for the new album, which we eventually still managed to forget, cause we're so absent minded.

Some other songs, that we've learned to love as we've given the album more listens are Upside Down, Life Afraid and Never Know, but all in all most of the songs are actually very good,

So obviously we recommend giving the album a listen or two, 
Kaiela :)


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