Now on to November :)

Hello :)

Today we're here to sum up the past month, as always we had 10 goals and we did our best to achieve them. The new goals will be up very soon, so stay tuned, but here's our recap:

  1. Plan and carry through an amazing Halloween party. - We think our party went pretty well.
  2. Take a photo EVERY day of the month, or at least 31 photos throughout the month. - Done, there will be a blog post about them soon.
  3. Replant any of the cacti/succulents who may have grown out their pot, they grow so fast, and also make sure that they’re not too cold, since the colder season is arriving. Benjamin got a new nice nest.
  4. Buy some more Christmas gifts, since it’s getting so close to the festive season. - We got a few new ones.
  5. Write more product reviews. - Done, there were quite a few, but I'm far too lazy to link them here.
  6. Stay on track at school and don’t leave all of the homework to the last minute. - We didn't leave all of it to the last minute.
  7. Write a blog post at least every other day. - I think we did very well on that.
  8. Try out some more new healthy recipes. - There were quite a few, for example the bliss balls.
  9. Go help out the cat shelter again. - We also did that.
  10. Keep the dorm room nice and tidy and organised. - Close enough. :)
That's all for today, we filled all of our goals this month and we are actually very proud of ourselves, so we're ready for the next month. Let's do it.

Kaiela :)


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