Dancing our way to December :)

Hello :)

It's time for our monthly recap, I must say we were extra good in November, we managed to fulfil all of our goals, so I think Santa will reward us with some gifts for sure, but just as a little reminder I'll go over all of the goals and talk about how we did.

  1. Draw at least 10 pictures by the end of the month. - That's done and there will be a be a blog post about them up soon.
  2. Continue stretching at least 6 days a week. - We also did that, we went to yoga 2-3 times a week and also did some stretching on our own.
  3. Buy more Christmas presents and also start wrapping them - We did very well on that, quite  a few gifts are ready and wrapped.
  4. Put up the Christmas decorations. - Totally done.
  5. Write a blog post at least every other day. - I've also done that, I feel like I've made a habbit out of it and it has definitely paid off.
  6. Try out a new recipe. - We also did that and a blog post about it will be up maybe next week or the week after that.
  7. Make sure the dorm room is nice and tidy. - I think we did well on that.
  8. Go help out at the cat shelter. - We did that, it was very nice.
  9. Resist decorating the Christmas tree far too early (before First Advent Sunday). - We waited all the way to First Advent Sunday and it was worth it.
  10. Surprise a friend or friends with something nice. - We sent some Christmas treats to a friend, she definitely was surprised.
That's all for now, new goals will be up soon, 
Kaiela :)


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