A Month of being Vegan

Hello :)

We are still alive, sorry we've been away for so long, had a lot to do, as you may have guessed. I did figure it'd be appropriate to write about our experience in regards to being vegan for an entire month, so here we go.

I must say the eating part wasn't that difficult, since the move from eating meat, diary, eggs and honey to eating only plantbased was very gradual, then I didn't feel much of a change, I had cut those things to pretty low amounts anyway, it just felt like any other day of my life just a tiny change to how I was eating.

One of the most difficult parts was definitely giving up my favourite peanutbutter, since it had honey in it. I have included it back into my meals now, beacuse I do love it and I have three jars of it sitting on my shelves, so I might as well eat them. I do believe that if I already have spent money on something then I will eat the products I have bought, but from now on I will make a more concious choice when shopping.

The slightly more difficult part was the reactions other people have towards veganism, it wasn't necessarily directed towards us, but I hadn't noticed before how much people look down upon this lifestyle, as a part of it, I noticed that most people's reactions were negative, they think it's so difficult and if they ever were to try it, they would probably make it difficult to themselves as well, because it takes time and patience to understand what to eat and how much to eat to feel satisfied by the end of the day, that's why I wouldn't recommend for anyone to jump into it headfirst or for the wrong reasons.

Talking about reasons, I feel like I haven't mentioned a lot about it and I guess just from the sound of it people could easily misunderstand the entire reason we're doing it. We don't hate meat nor the taste of it, but the reality is that most people consume far to much meat and other animal products and due to that the industry connected to the production of animal products is not a nice one. There's a lot of torture and difficulties that the animals have to go through and in the end they all have to be killed in order for anyone to be able to eat those products. It's an obvious thing, I'm sure everyone knows where meat comes from, yet I don't know how often they think about it. The industry is not nice, it's massproduction afterall, it has to be low cost and fast, of course there's a minority who might treat the animals better, but that's such a small percentage that it barely makes a difference.

I'm not going to go into the health reasons, since I personally believe you can be a healthy omnivore just as well as you can be a healthy vegetarian or vegan, so long as you grasp the basics of nutrition and are concious of your choices. There are extremes at both ends and in the end it's each person's choice and I accept it.

In regards to the future, we still intend to be mainly plant based, we feel it suits us and we feel good, however we do leave ourselves a little give and take to have things that might have a bit of dairy or eggs in it, just for the sake of making our own lives easier, since finding certain things as a vegan is rather tricky and usually also pricier, if you think about the quantities you have to eat as a vegan. For the most part we will remain plant based though and that's what we feel is sustainable for us, I believe that would be called being a flexitarian, since we do allow ourselves a bit of animal products every now and then, just not every day, maybe once a week or so.

That's all for now, I will talk about how we did micronutrient wise this month in another post soon and I'm happy to be back blogging.

See you in our next post.
Kaiela :)


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