Marching to March!

Hello :)

It's finally time to give our recap of the month that has passed, I have pushed it forward, since we didn't to particulalrly well, but there's no point in pushing it any more forward, it's time we wrote down what we did accomplish. We had 10 goals as usual and we sort of did ok, I guess...not as well as we've been doing for the past few months, though.

  1. Write at least 16 blog post. - I only managed to write 15, should've worked harder.
  2. Take at least 28 photos throughout the month. - We didn't quite accomplish that either, I think Kai could stretch it to 28, but I was short of a  few.
  3. Make a new recipe and write about it in the blog. - I do believe we wrote about quite a few recipes, so that's a success.
  4. Hang out with the cats at the cat shelter. - We did do that.
  5. Play the guitar. - We both managed to play  abit of the guitar and I finally tuned Kai's guitar as well, that was quite a challenge.
  6. Read a book. - Done
  7. Continue the journey to being healthier, eating wise especially. - I think we did well in terms of that.
  8. Also work out every single day. (Even if it's just stretching or yoga, which it mainly will be) - I think we did ok on this one.
  9. Spend time with our friends on Valentine's day and surprise them with something nice. - Done.
  10. Do a nail art post. - I
That's all for now, but I'll be back today with another post, so stay tuned.

Kaiela :)


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