Eurovision 2017 Final

Hello :)

It's the big day - Eurovision final at last. By now the winner has been announced and it is: PORTUGAL! We think it was a deserved win.

We also thought we'd write a bit about our favourites in general. We liked quite a few songs this year, all of them did not qualify, but here are the ones that did and who loved tonight: 

Let's start with Belgium, she did much better tonight than I had seen her perform in any of the rehearsals or in the semi, I actually think she sang really well and seemed less scared, so I'm very proud of her.

I also liked the performance Italy gave, it may be that I've heard and seen the song so many times, that it didn't leave as strong of an impact anymore, but I still enjoyed it very much and I just love the meaning behind the song.

I also liked Bulgaria a lot, I just feel like the live version elavated the song, when I first heard it, I was not as into it, but now I've begun to like it a lot more, so that's one of our favourites as well.

We also enjoyed the performance of Portugal, the song was magical and he has a certain something that makes him very likable and we enjoyed it. He's clealry very talented and the song is unique.

A honourable mention also goes out to Australia, he didn't seem as nervous tonight and actually seemed to hit his notes, so good for him.

There were quite a few good vocals, but some that we chose out were: Poland, Croatia, UK.

Best outfit: The Netherlands (I want that sparkling jumpsuit)

Best show: Sweden, Cyprus, Armenia

Most unique song: Romania

Best staging: Belarus, Bulgaria, Portugal, Azerbaijan

Most unique voice: Croatia

Most emotional performance: The Netherlands, UK

All in all it was a good Eurovision year, went by so fast, already looking forward to the next one.

Kaiela :)


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