Moving on to May :)

Hello :)

The insane month of April has gone by so fast and the even more insane month of May is beginning, as a first post I always give a recap of the past month, so let's get this over with. Disclamer: we didn't do very well... :)

  1. Take at least 30 photos. - I haven't counted, but I'd give at least half a point for this one.
  2. Write down at least 15 things that made us happy during the month. - Honestly we sort of forgot to do it, but I think we wrote a few down here and there.
  3. Try out a new recipe. - Done.
  4. Fulfil at least half of the goals in our little goal calendar, which I got for Christmas. - Done.
  5. Do a new Eurovision top. - Also didn't manage to do that.
  6. Play the guitar. - Done.
  7. Find a place to do the practical work during the summer. - We both also managed to find a few places.
  8. Do not kill any more cacti. - I think we managed to do that.
  9. Write at least 10 posts this month. - Well...
  10. Visit the cat shelter and help out there. - Done.
That's all for now, I'll have the new goals up soon enough and also the photos of the month. See you then.

Kaiela :)


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