Perks of Being a Tall Minion :)

Hello :)

A little while ago I did a post about the struggles of being a short girl (Link: HERE), in the commenst I got a request to do a post calles the Perks of Being a Tall Minion, so here it is. Essentially it is all of the good things about being short, it'll make more sense if you've read the previous post, but here we go.

I'll start with one of those things that I also brought out as a struggle, that just so happens to be a perk. That is the fact that I look a lot younger than I am. That's partly caused by my babyface, especially when I'm not wearing any makeup, perhaps it's also caused by the fact that I tend to wear girly and youthful clothes, but I definitely think that my height also plays a big role in people thinking that I'm younger than I really am. Now that does have some benefits. I have made a list:

  • Discounts - I may or may not have gotten some free bus rides and discounts at the cinema, because I wasn't thought to be even close to be old enough to have to pay the full price. It was a running theme throughout my childhood and I have nothing against it.
  • If I wish to avoid talking to people offering me a phone or TV service or a change in my pension fond, I just make a real innocent face and say I'm underage and after that they tend to leave me alone. Works like a charm.
  • People expect less from you when you are younger, so I enjoy surprising them by exceeding their expectations.
  • As I get older and still look a lot younger than I am, I've learned to appreciate it since most people wish to look younger and I am simply gifted with it.

Obviously there are other benefits to being tiny as well. There's a smaller chance you'll hit your head against branches, low ceilings or doorways, I barely ever have to hunch my back to fit to fit through places and I believe that thanks to that I have better posture. I also have only hit my head due to my own clumsiness and stupidity, but never because of my height. So I'm going to take that as a positive.

Shorter people tend to be also more petite, which means that you might be able to wear children's clothing, I personally find that to be a good thing, since children's clothing is cheaper most of the time and often they are in the same style as adult clothing, so it's a bargain I shall take.

It's easier to hide from people, there's always more space for my legs when I have to sit somewhere that is tight in space, I can wear as high heels as I wish and I don't feel too tall and it's much easier to make too big clothes smaller than the other way around, that makes being short a lot easier than being tall.

Also all short people I have met are so cute, something about being short gives you an advantage in the cuteness department, so enjoy it.

As an added bonus studies suggest that short people live longer, I mean what is there really to complain about.

I'm sure there are a lot of other perks, so if you have some you'd like to point out, then leave them in the comments, I'd love to read them.

Kaiela :)


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