To Kill a Cactus - The Wise Ones part 1

Chapter 5

The Wise Ones

Questions about what I had just seen were burning in my mind, but I felt as if none of them was polite to ask. He had rested his head on his hands, I imagined whatever he had done to make me see what he had been through had taken a toll on him.

"Are you ok?" I finally asked after what had seemed an eternity.

He lifted his head and nodded, the usual look of serenity had come back to his face.

"I'm fine now. The same thing that was injected to me was "improved", as they said, but as you have witnessed it turns humans into zombies, so not really an improvement. My life was not great, but I am still in control of myself and my emotions. I was held in that lab for over ten years until one day I just walked out. I didn't realise how strong I was until I had no other choice and I just ran," he explained.

Christopher rolled up one of his sleeves revealing the point of injection to me, it was a small perfect circle, slim lines making their way out of it, they oddly seemed as if they were alive, pulsating at the rhythm of a heart beating.

"Does it hurt?" I asked.

"No, it feels cold as if it were not a part of me at all, but at the same time, this defines me and what I am. As you can understand I have abilities that most people don't, I can give and receive visions, it's quite a burden to have to live with, I hoped that perhaps you will be able to find a cure. I know your mission and I know you have good intentions, so I propose we go find Ash and get on with it, we don't have a lot of time, these attacks will only get more frequent unless we do something," he explained, the confidence had returned to his voice.

"Why should I trust you?" the question slipped out of my mouth before I managed to stop myself. I could feel my cheeks starting to blush.

"You don't have to trust me, trust yourself," he answered clearly not noticing my rosy cheeks.

He got up and started quickly packing his things, he seemed to know what he was doing. I wish I had so much confidence in myself, I didn't know how to trust me. I also didn't know what else I could do, so I decided his plan was the best plan for the time being. I knew I had to find Ash, I owed it to him, he could probably make more sense of everything that was going on. 

"Do you know where Ash is?" I continued with my questions.

"I have a feeling he's with my sister," he answered and a shadow of a smile went over his face.

"Your sister? How come, I thought he was held captive?" I stuttered with a very confused look on my face.

"They both are, I have bigger mission than just this, my sister tried to help me once, I will not just try, but succeed now, although it will be a challenge, so you should get changed into something more practical and we have to start our journey as soon as the sun goes down," he stated while presenting me with a fresh pile of clothes that seemed like athletic wear, I wouldn't know for a fact since I had never worn athletic wear before, but it looked like it.

I quickly got changed in a separate room and decided to ask no more questions for now although my mind was still buzzing from everything I had experienced.

"Shall we go?" he asked as I got out, he had also changed into similar dark clothes as I was wearing and he had finished packing the bag.

I nodded although my nods weren't exactly filled with confidence. And so we went.


To Be Continued


  1. Oh, wow! Ash is with his sister! 😮 Did not see it coming. It seems like something big is about to happen. 😃

    1. I'm glad I managed to surprise you. I think your feeling is right, something's in the air. :)


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