The road to healthy

Hello :)

photo is from here

Today I had the idea to write a bit about one of my big intrests, which is healthy living, especially good nutrition. Since I study food technology currently in university, then I thought I could share what I've learned so far and continue doing so as I learn more.

Firstly in this post I'm just going to go try to explain what healthy is to me. Feeling healthy is like feeling a perfect balance in one's body and mind. It's not just having a normal weight, waist to height ratio, body fat percentage or anything else measured with numbers. It's also taking care of one's mental health.

 I feel like a lot of the world nowadays is very anxious and hectic, so for me, yoga and meditation are the ways to find balance and peace. However, what feels healthy to each person is completly different, I don't think there's any particular method or way of living, that would suit everyone.

There are a lot of myths and theories circling the internet and other sources of media, so it's often really difficult to guess, what is the right way to live, if there even is a right way, but more and more it's becoming clear that the way we eat affects our health the most. 

It's not just about having the perfect bikini body or stepping onto the scale and seeing your desired number, because at the end of the day you're not going to feel good in your body, if you haven't gotten to that point the healthy way.

So what is the healthy way? That's what I'll be writing about in my upcoming posts. I can give the general guidelines, but the most important thing is to feel the difference in your body and if something that I write about doesn't suit you, then modify it a bit, see what works for you.

I can bring to you my knowledge, it's up to you to choose, what you decide to do with it.

So stay tuned for more health and nutriton related posts and have a beautiful day,
Kaiela :)


  1. I am looking forward what you are going to write about good health related with nutrition.

    1. Thanks for the comment, as I study more, I hope to go more in depth to the subject, so stay tuned. :)


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