Adopt, don't shop!

Hello :)

Today I figured it'd be nice to write about one of the subjects we've been more involved in the past few months, which is animals, who are looking for a home. We're definitely the type of people who support animal shelters and are now officially volunteers at a cat shelter near us. It's incredible to spend time with the cats who have been abandoned and to see them evolve from fearful little kitties to friendly purring machines.

Therefore, I'd like to just inform everyone that if you are looking for a pet in your life and you are sure, that this is a step you wish to take, then there are so many little living beings on the streets, in shelters and they deserve a chance as well.

I feel like often people pick a breed and then just go out and buy that particular breed of animal, while there are so many animals waiting for their home in shelters, some of them never getting their chance. 

The thing is, it's the personality that truly matters, you might walk into a shelter and meet the sweetest cat, so what if that little furball has just one eye or isn't the colour you like, just like with people it's what's on the inside that matters and looks shouldn't be the number one priority, at least that's what I believe.

I know that getting a certain breed is a safe option, because you generally know the personality and characteristics of that breed and I understand people who wish to go by that, but knowing that you have saved a life, is much more rewarding.

So if taking a pet as your faimly member is a certain wish for you, I hope you'll consider adoption, it's rewarding, fun, definitely challenging, but totally worth it.

Kaiela :)


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