Jumping to June :)

Hello :)

We're finally back with another blog post, I know it has been a while, we've just been busy with exams and have been recovering from them. Anyway here's the recap of the month that has passed. We had ten goals as usual and this is how we did:

  1. Do at least half of the goals we have in our goal calendar. - Done
  2. Save up a bit of money for the Summer. - Also managed to save up a bit.
  3. Learn a new guitar chord. - We both at least tried to do that.
  4. Somehow survive the madness school has to offer. - Somehow, we did do that.
  5. Do at least 15 pushups every day. (if we miss a day then +5 pushup to every following day) - We didn't miss a single day, i think it's impressive.
  6. Draw at least 10 drawings. - Close enough.
  7. Have a teaparty or a picnic if the weather allows. - We had a very nice picnic with a friend.
  8. Start being healthier again eating wise. - Well...there were good days and then there weren't...
  9. Write down at least 15 things that make us happy this month. - Done
  10. Write at least 15 blog post. - I think we were close, but not quite.
I think we still did pretty well, so we are proud of ourselves, now it's time to head towards summer, I have a few blog post ideas, so I'm quite excited to get to writing them, but this is it for now.

Kaiela :)


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