Dealing with December! :)

Hello :)

We're not dead...what a surprise, I know. And although already half of this month has passed, I decided to give a little recap of November as well. So let's just get into it.

  1. Draw at least 10 drawings! - We weren't off to a good start with this one.
  2. Go help out at the cat shelter. - But we did do that.
  3. Buy more Christmas gifts and start wrapping them. - We also did pretty well at this one.
  4. Put up as many Christmas decorations as we possibly can! - Done.
  5. Start working on our final thesis for the university. - We sort of also did that.
  6. Write at least 10 blog posts, I hope I can do it. - Well, I hoped.
  7. Start planning the coolest Christmas party ever!! - Did that.
  8. Fulfil at least 20 goals from our goal calendar. - Also did that pretty well.
  9. Make a nice surprise to our father's for Father's Day. - Done.
  10. Find the perfect Advent calendar. - Also done.
So we didn't do terrible, but we also didn't do great, we'll try to improve in the coming year, but for now, this is it for this post and new goals will be up soon(ish).

Kaiela :)


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