Recap of 2017

Hello :)

About a year ago we set ourselves some goals for this year and it's time to see how we did.

I'll begin by giving a recap of all of my goals and then talk about Kai's. So here we go.

 My first goal was to improve my eating habits, the main thing that I wanted to begin with, was to have a healthy breakfast every morning. I'd say I've been pretty good at doing that. There were definitely days during which I skipped breakfast, but those days were rare and for the most part, I've made a habit of having a decent meal in the morning. After that, I also wished to slowly start having healthier lunches and snacks and dinners and so on. I feel like I definitely still have room for improvement, but I'm getting there.

Next goal was to work out more, which I definitely did, I wished to be working out 3-4 days a week, which I did do during the periods that I was less busy, but when I was busy...well, it didn't go quite as planned, I still think I did pretty well.

Linking to that I also wished to do the Yoga challenge by Yoga With Adriene and I did that and enjoyed it.

I also wished to do well in school and I can definitely say I've done that, schoolwork has been going great and I've kept my average at above 4,6. So obviously happy with that.

About my book goal...I definitely could've done better, I really wish to get back into reading more, so that'll be a goal for the year ahead.

Next up, all the goals that Kai has set for herself:

Kai's first goal was to decrease the number of animal products that she eats and she has done that, we were fully plant-based actually for over a month and it wasn't that difficult, after that we also had much better eating habits for a while, so that's good.

Another goal for her was to improve her physique, by getting stronger and more flexible, which I think she has achieved, I can definitely see the progress.

A very good goal that she had, was to draw at least 10 drawings every month, she did pretty well for the most part of the year, but a few months she was a bit short on drawings, nevertheless, I think she did well.

She obviously also wanted to keep up the good work at school, she didn't have a specific grade in mind, just to give her best and see how it goes and she did very very well, I'm proud of her.

And lastly she wanted to continue being an active volunteer at the cat shelter that we go to, obviously, that's also something I wished to do and we did do that, we've gone to different events with the cats and also helped out at the shelter, so I'd say there's room for improvement, but we did well.

That's all for the goals we had for this year, all around, I think we didn't do too bad, but I'm sure we'll do even better during 2018. So new goals will be up soon. Feel free to leave all your accomplishments in the comment section below, we'd love to read them and hope you'll have a nice end of the year.

Kaiela :)


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