Meet Our Cacti and Succulents

Hello :)

Today I'm here with a very exciting post about our little cacti and succulent family, they have grown so much through the past months and although we've faced some difficulties they're all still alive and going strong.

I'll start with the oldest of the family, to be precice there are two of them, they're called Poti and Roosi. Kai brought them into our family just a bit before Valentines Day, at the beginning of February (2016) and we were very happy to have them.

I'll start with Poti, She's a beautiful lean and long cactus, she definitely mainly grows in length and she has long pointy and very sharp thorns, which she uses to go poke us every time we try to water her, otherwise she's a well-behaved young lady.

Roosi is Poti's sister, they are very close. She has grown a lot during the months as well, but mainly in the other direction, she's more of a round and plump cactus and she's very fast to grow new little needle-balls. Her thorns have little hooks at their tips and therefore they get stuck everywhere, luckily we haven't had any serious problems with that.

The two next additions to our cacti family were Dobby and Benjamin, who are both little cacti boys. Let's start with Benjamin, He, unlike his two older sisters, has no thorns, he has sleek soft green skin and grows into a bush-like shape. He grows very fast and is very healthy and happy.

Dobby is quite a unique cactus, his shape resembles the one of an Aloe Vera plant a bit, he's also a bit more sensitive to the amount of water he wants and once we truly feared for his life, since he started to dry and we didn't know if we were doing something wrong or perhaps he's ill. It turned out a little bit of extra water and fertilizer made him a healthy happy cactus boy again and he has grown a lot ever since.

Next up a cactus that Kai again brought home on her own was Kõka, which stands for Kai and Õnnela's cactus in Estonian, for short, her other name is also Lily. She has definitely had difficult times, since her roots weren't deep enough and she kept falling over. On one faithful day, when we were travelling home, she fell over and never fully recovered, I tried to replant her, but it was difficult and she kept either drying or falling over, for the moment one little bit of her is still growing and seems to be fighting for her life, so let's hope she'll succeed.

The next three members of our loving family we brought after we had found out that we did well on our exams, they are called Manganiin, Eboniit and Nikroom.

Eboniit is a beautiful cactus, she looked so unique and special that we had to buy her. She seems soft to the touch, but later you'll find out that your hands are covered in painful little thorns, that are nearly impossible to get out, nevertheless, she's amazing.

Manganiin is also a little cactus girl, she has a beautiful shape and although she hasn't grown as much as some of the others, she is very healthy and graceful.

Last, but definitely not least, Nikroom, he's a very cute little cactus boy, when we got him, he was small and round like a button, but he has grown so much over the Summer, he's like a whole new cactus, he doesn't have many thorns and the ones he does have are rather soft and not agressive at all.

The newest member of the family is Luna, she's a succulent and quite the traditional type among them, she has beautiful long silky leaves that grow gracefully upwards reaching towards the sun and the moon. 

That's all for our cactus and succulent family, we don't know much about their actual species names, but we love and care for them to the best of our abilities and we'll definitely be posting updates about them from now on, because they are a part of our lives.

Kaiela :)


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