Zodiac Signs - Are You a True Cancer?

Hello :)

The time has come, I'm going to give you an overview of what a typical Cancer might be like and even if your Sun sign is not Cancer but you identify with a lot of the traits, then your birth chart might have some Cancer in it. I quite like birth charts, they're like beautiful snowflakes full of information, although mine resembles more of a tangled mess at the bottom left corner of the chart... anyway, if you wish to find out what your birth chart is like, then there's a link to a generator HERE.

Cancer is a water sign along with Scorpion and Pisces so all of you might share similar traits, that's also something to consider.

While doing my analysis, I'm going to see if my sister, who is a Cancer, suits the traditional traits. One of my good friends is also a Cancer, so I hope she'll read it and say what she thinks.

Firstly, Cancers make great mothers, in fact, they're considered the most motherly of all of the signs. They take care of others and know how to do it best. I don't know if my sister would be a great mother, but I believe that she would be, not just because she's a Cancer, but more so because when we were little she'd always take care of me and she definitely is a good sister.

Cooking is also something that Cancers are supposed to be good at and I do think that my sister is a very good cook if she wants to make something, she will and she'll be amazing at it. That actually goes for my friend, I think she's a great cook.

 It is also said that Moon affects them a lot, their moods might be affected by the phase of the Moon and they also just enjoy staring at it, apparently, I also must say I don't know if that is true for my sister, but I'd love to know if it is so.

One thing I do know about Cancers that is true about my sister as well is that they are great friends, they are understanding, they know how to listen to people and make peace between people who might not be getting along in their friend group. One of the reasons that they do enjoy listening to people's problems might be because they tend to kind of like drama.

Cancers are known to be sensitive and emotional, they tend to cry easily and are very in tune with their own emotions as well as with other people's emotions. That means that they are very sympathetic and don't judge others easily. My sister is quite an emotional person and she definitely is sympathetic, she also cries easily, but mainly because she has sensitive eyes, or so I thought...

A very interesting trait that Cancers have, is that they can be psychics. They might say something that they think might happen and moments later it'll happen or they might see the future in their dreams. When I thought about it, then I do remember quite a few times that my sister could guess what our mother was going to make for dinner, so that's interesting. Maybe she's a low-key psychic.

On the slightly more negative side, Cancers might dwell in self-pity, they might struggle with their self-image and confidence. It might be so even if they do not show it out in any way since more often than not they prefer to hold their emotions in.

Cancers aren't necessarily optimists nor pessimists, they are usually realists, although sometimes their realism might come off as negative or pessimistic.

They are also very hard working, which is definitely true for my sister as well as my friend that I mentioned before, they both put a lot of work into whatever they are doing and I admire them for it.

Cancers also enjoy being at home, they are known as homebodies, they just love their homes, they usually decorate them well, stick to their style and theme and just make it amazing, so if you need an interior designer, pick a Cancer.

That's all for today, I hope you enjoyed, if there are any other signs that you'd like us to write about, then leave it in the comments below.

Kaiela :)


  1. This is supersweet 😍😍😍
    Now, when I feel the urge to wake up during the night and just stare at the moon, I will know why 😃

    And as much I do like to stay home and dwell in my self-pity, I somehow drag myself to work every day because I am a realist. But when I am at home, I like to watch movies, read books and cry (because there's something in my eye ofcourse) 😃

    And I am not even going to start talking about my psychic abilities.

    I am not that great as a cook. Maybe I don't the fried potatoes but a lot of things are way too complicated for me.

    So, I would say I am pretty much a true cancer 😃

    1. Haha, I'm happy you enjoyed it. I think you are indeed a true Cancer and I've also had the chance to eat some delicious treats that you have made, so I'd say you're above the fried poatoes level :)


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