Bring on the proteins (Road to healthy part 5)

Hello :)

Picture from here.

So, I'm not going to lie, proteins don't inspire me quite as much as the other macronutrients, hence why I saved them for last. I just didn't have much to say about them, but to be fair to all our three main macronutrients, I'm going to give my best to write a bit about them as well.

Energy wise proteins should give us the smallest percentage of our daily calories, about 10%-20%. Proteins can be found in both plant based foods as well as animal products, but generally animal and animal by products are the highest in protein. That being said you can get your daily necessary protein by eating a plant based diet. There are even body builders, who are vegan, so that's definitely not impossible.

Proteins are important for our immunesystem, since they take part in the production of antibodies, they also transport different compounds in our body and they're an essential part in our ensymes and hormones. 

A lack of proteins in our body can lead to weakened muscles for example and it can also cause changes in hair and skin

Too much protein can on the other hand put a lot of pressure on our kidneys and liver and it can also increase the chance of developing allergies.

I wish I had more to say about proteins, but they just don't seem to bring much thoughts to me. As with any nutrient, there's an optimal amount of them that we should be consuming and finding such a balance is essential.

That's it for this post, have a beautiful day,
Kaiela :)

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