Weird Dreams: The Dream Inside a Dream

Hello :)

Today I'm here with a new weird dream, this one I had a while ago and I guess it could be also categorised as a scary dream, although it was more like creepy and realistic, it did spook me out for a little while, but anyway here it goes.

I was asleep, it was completly dark everywhere around me and that night I had had difficulties falling asleep, it felt just like I was in my bed, eyes closed and waiting to be carried away to dreamland. All of a sudden I could hear whisperring, it came from a distance at first, I remember thinking, that perhaps my sister was talking quietly to someone on the phone in her room. As the voice was getting lowder, I relised it was the one of a man and also he was speaking in a language foreign to me. I couldn't understand a word, but I knew it was Russian.

The voice kept getting lowder and lowder, I didn't dare to open my eyes, since I was scared and wanted to let whoever was speaking, think that I was asleep. Then the speaking turned into angry demanding yelling and I opened my eyes, waking up from the dream, it was quiet and dark, I felt thirsty, so I tried to get out of my bed to turn on the light and get some water.

As I got out of the bed, I realised, I couldn't feel my legs, they were completly numb and therefore I also couldn't walk to the lightswitch, I crawled all the way across the room to turn the light on and as I reached for the lightswitch, I actually woke up.

It definitely left me feeling a little scared and spooked, since all of it felt very realistic, unlike a lot of my dreams, during which I can sort of understand that I am dreaming and change the course of things.

That's it for this weird dream post, it's a bit shorter, but definitely one of those dreams I still think about to this day.

Kaiela :)


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