Eurovision 2017 Our Top 25 (06.03.17) + comments

Hello :)

It's time to bring to you another Eurovision top, 25 songs have been chosen this far and as usual we both gave points to the songs, calculated the average and made this top, I also added some comments about all of the songs to explain why a certain song is at a certain position, but let's just get into it.

XX. Estonia

We will not be rating our own country, the song that will represent us this year wasn't our favourite from the preselection, but nevertheless, we think it's a well produced song and they sing it well, so hopefully we'll do well in the contest.

23.-24. Moldova

The song isn't necessarily bad, it's sort of fun and catchy, but it's not very interesting to listen to and it just isn't our cup of tea, so that's why it's last in our top for the time being.

23.-24. Georgia

It's definitely a well performed ballad, but as it is, it doesn't invite me to listen to it again, although the message is good and her song definitely is very strong and powerful, it's simply lacking something for us.

22. Latvia

It's not a song that I would like at first listen, but I know a lot of people like it, so I'm willing to give it a few more listens. It doesn't have much of a meaning to it, it's rather repetative, but the performance was interesting and perhaps it will be improved somehow, maybe.

21. Malta

The song sounds a little like it would've done well on Eurovision around 10 years ago, she sings it well and the lyrics aren't too bad, but the melody sounds almost familiar and the whole performance alltogether didn't wow me, that being said, it had some pretty good parts in it and it definitely is haunting. I just don't feel like among the entire contest it would stand out or be remembered. It also sounds a bit like a wedding song, I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

20. Albania

It's a rather nice ballad, I like that so far it is in their national language, although I know it'll be changed, we'll see how the revamp will sound. She has a great voice and puts a lot of emotion into it, but as a whole just not as good as some of the other songs.

19. Spain

Another song that after a few listens just feels too repetative, although it has a nice relaxing vibe to it and he seems so happy, when he's performing the song, it just isn't engaging and therefore not very high on our top.

18. Romania

The song is definitely unique, but I feel like the song and their performance didn't go together very well. We didn't particulalry like their outfits as well, although that's completly secundary. The woman's voice was rather good, but generally nothing incredibly good.

17. Belarus

It's a fun, energy filled song, I like the language and the way it feels very belarussian, they perform well together and seem to have a lot of fun doing it, so I think it's as a whole pretty good. The song is sincere and probably one of the most natural performances as well.

16. Portugal

This song is something, he's interesting to watch on stage although he doesn't do much on stage, the song is rather slow and not very mainstream and honestly I do not even understand what I think about it. It sounds a bit vintage or retro, but in a good way, we'll see after a few more listens what we think about it.

15. Hungary

This song leaves me a little unsure about how I feel about it. It's original, that for sure, I like the language, it sounds interesting, but when I searched for the meaning behind those lyrics, then I must say, it didn't speak to me. 

14. Slovenia

This song sounds like it would be from a Disney movie and oddly enough it does have a charm to it. He sings incredibly well live and I quite enjoyed his performance, so it climbed pretty high on our top.

12. - 13. Germany

As I've said before it sounds like a song that would be on the soundtrack of a movie. It's not particularly outstanding, but nevertheless I've had it stuck in my head quite a few times. I like her voice and the way she performes, but as a whole, there's room for improvement.

12. - 13. Cyprus

It's a more mainstream song than the one they had last year. The song itself is pretty good, although not too unique, I feel like with a good performance it could do rather well.

11. Croatia

He has an incredible voice, which we both like and enjoy listening to, it sounds again a bit like a Disney song, it seems like a song a lot of people would like, but wouldn't be their favourite. It's definitely sung well and again with a performance to match, it might do well.

10. Ukraine

Another song that I can't decide if I like it or not. There are some parts of the song that sound rather good, I like their style, but I'm not sure on the entire thing together, the sound, the lyrics and so on. I think it needs a few more listens, before we can give our final verdict.

9. Denamrk

It's another very well sung song. She has a strong voice and she controls it well. The song isn't too original, but I can feel that it'll haunt me for days after listening to it. The lyrics are well written, even if not incredibly interesting all the time, so I think all in all it's pretty good.

8. Austria

This song is very well produced, it's the kind of song that I don't mind listening to at all, it's not very versitile, but it's pleasant and that's what gave it a rather high spot on our top. This one also sounds like it could be a soundtrack,  I guess it's a theme.

6.-7.. Switzerland

She sings the song very well, I enjoy listening to it. The lyrics are pretty good and it's allaround well produced. I liked her final performance and I think this song will do well.

6.-7. The Netherlands

The song is different from most songs this year and generally from any songs that have been performed during the past few years, they sing together very well, their voices go incredibly well together. We enjoy listening to it, it's pleasant to the ears and we think it'll do well.

5. Poland

This song has a rather different sound to it. It has a lot of changes to it, which I like, she has a good voice as well, but I do enjoy the studio version a lot more than I did the live version. She puts a lot of emotion to her singing and it sounds very dramatic, I enjoy the darker sounds of this song a bit more than the most part of it, though.

4. UK

Another ballad, but I feel like it's one of the best sung ballads of the bunch, it's not too cheesy, it's a bit different and she puts a lot of emotion to her singing. So in general we like it.

3. Finland

Another very well sung ballad, I think it also has very good lyrics and she controls her voice very well, even during the live performances, so we like it. It also has a slightly different sound compared to a lot of the other ballads this year.

2. Italy

I still like this song, it's very cheerful and leaves me in a good mood. As far as I've read the lyrics are great as well and I love the fact that it's in Italian, it sounds well and the performance was interesting to watch as well.

1. France

France remains our favourite, it's a very well produced song, it sounds nice and is made so that it's interesting enough for me to want to listen to it again. She sings it beautifully and we like it a lot.

Kaiela :)


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