No February InjoyBox

Hello :)

Today I'm here with a post I didn't think I would be writing right now. I was supposed to review the February box from a company called InjoyBox, who do fun exciting boxes full of suprises and some items that you know you'll get. This month's theme was fitness and health inspired, so I really wanted to recieve it, but to my dismay it turned out that they had some problems with recieveing the fitness watch they already were supposed to have in last month's box, so they decided not to send out a box at all and instead will give everyone their money back.

I was indeed very sad to hear that I won't be recieveing it, it was supposed to me a little birthday gift from me to myself and I really liked the theme that they were going for, so initially I was very disappointed, but I do understand that it's a rather new company and everything doesn't always go as planned.

I do wish they had let me know sooner, I had been looking forward to the box for a week now and they told that they'll send it out on Monday, it wasn't until today that they said that the box won't come at all.

I personally think it would've been nicer if they had let people know in advance that there are still problems with the shipping and then given us a chance to choose, whether we'd still like to recieve the box, with something replacing the watch, also fitness inspired, in case the watch were to not arrive and those who wouldn't want the replacement could've chosen to have their money back. 

That way if the watch had got here on time, everyone would've got their boxes and in case it wouldn't arrive, those who would've wanted the box anyway could've got it. I hope that makes sense.

So all in all I really like the idea behind this box, I feel like since it is a new company some improvements could be made, but I still want to support it, so I might order the box some other month to give it another go. I hope they learned their lesson from this incident, but didn't get too discouraged.

That's all for now,
Kaiela :)


  1. I think it's really rude of them to act like that. The watch was supposed to be in the January box already. And they didn't say anything then before customers already received their boxes with a replacement.
    When they are having trouble organizing the contents of their product, the customer should be the first to know. I didn't order the February box but I am seriously disappointed to hear that they have failed again. A lot of people will never order their box again. There could have been many ways to make the situation better. At least they didn't send out the boxes without saying anything, like last time.

    1. I agree with you, they have lost a lot of their reliability and there would've definitely been better ways to handle the situation. I do hope that it'll make them work harder to make up for their mistake.


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