Eurovision top 42 (13.03.16) + comments

Hello :)

Now that almost all songs have been chosen, still waiting for Bulgaria, though, we have another top to bring to you. As always both me and Kai gave points and this is our top. This time around it was especially tough, so many good new songs, no idea where to put them. I attempted to squeeze 20 songs into my top 10...somehow didn't work out...anyway, we gave our best and actually like most of the songs, so the top might still change. Next one will be, whenever Bulgaria releases their song and after that we have some more Eurovision themed posts coming up, so stay tuned, but for now, this is our top.

XXX Estonia

We're not rating our own country anywhere, but in general we like the song and it was among our favourites of this year's selection.

41. Georgia

It's an ok song, but nothing that would blow our minds away. It's a bit too technological and the quality is not very good.

40. Montenegro

We feel the same way about this song as we did about the last one, but like it just a little bit more, I don't think it would work very well live. It wasn't very friendly to our ears.

39. Austria

It's a very sweet, cute song, but a little bit too repetitive and gets a bit annoying by the end of it...or maybe that's just our opinion.

38. Bosnia & Herzogovina

Another ok song, but again not quite what we'd enjoy, the quality is definitely higher than the previous songs had, but alltogether just not our cup of tea.

36.-37. San Marino

The song itself is...I don't know what it is. It's oddly amusing. It was sort of cute and unexpected and well he looked happy singing it, so I guess that's a bonus.

36.-37. Ukraine

A song with a strong message, very emotionally performed, but just not something I would want to listen again to.

35. Israel

Israel has had better songs for sure, but it's an ok song, just not a very strong one. It's easily forgotten among the other ballads.

33.-34. F. Y. R. Macedonia

This song was not one of our favourites, but she has a rather good voice and maybe she could make it work on stage.

33.-34 Romania

To paraphrase Someone who didn't want to be mentioned here, the most pleasing thing about that performance was the man dancing and she liked the sword...but on a more serious note, the song was again slightly amusing, since they were so serious singing a rather unusal song, that's all I can say about it for now.

32. Slovenia

A rather catchy song, but it doesn't have very strong lyrics, at parts we actually find then quite humourous, maybe that's what they went for, but we still couldn't place it any higher.

31. Moldova

Another ballad, we're not quite sure about this one, but it's good, well performed, don't know if it'll remain in this position, but for now it's here.

29.-30. Greece

The song itself is ok, it has a bit of an original sound to it, but it's not very memorable and I feel Greece has had a lot better songs. 

29.-30. Malta

And yet another ballad, as you can see they're not getting very high on our top. It's a well sung and performed song, but for me falls a little flat.

28. UK

It's a catchy pop song, better than what they had last year, but at parts their voices don't really go together very well and it's not interesting enough to listen to more than a few times.

27. Albania

A beautiful ballad, she sings it very well, but it isn't quite the style I would enjoy, I love the instrumental parts and of course it's a bonus that it's in their native language.

26. Finland

It's a more upbeat song again, but as we said before, we did prefer another song over this one in the Finnish preselection. It's a good song, she has a nice voice, but there were better ones.

25. Belgium

It's a very catchy, positive and upbeat song, that's nice to listen to and she also performed it well, although, could be a bit better live.

22.-24. Belarus

Although it's not very good live, there is something about this song that sound pleasing to the ear, it might be just to us, but we think it's good.

22.-24. Denmark

It's quite a well produced pop song, but it just isn't interesting enough. They sound good together though and have great energy.

22.-24. Poland

Well, there was quite a lot of talk about the Polish song, everyone thought Margaret was going to win, we thought the same and then she didn't. At first we were a bit disappointed, but this song isn't that bad either, Margaret would'ev been higher though. He has really nice hair as well, though.

21. Latvia

At first listen we weren't big fans of this song, as I listen more to it, I like it slightly more, but I dodn't see it climbing into my top 10.

20. Croatia

The song seemed ok for the first listen, her voice wasn't the strongest, but it has grown on me a bit. One of the best songs Croatia has had, as far as I remember.

19. The Czech Republic

This song falls into the same category as the previous one, it's ok, but nothing mindblowing, I slightly prefer her voice to the previous one, though.

18. Armenia

It's a very artistic song and at parts a little bit odd, you could say, but it has a certain charm to it and we like it. She also has a nice voice.

16.-17. The Netherlands

The same someone who didn't want to be mentioned before likes his cheekbones. :D
And the song itself is rather good, we're not normally huge country music fans, but this song has got stuck to our head.

16.-17 Sweden

We slightly liked some other songs more of the Swedish preselection, but this song is actually quite nice as well and it's catchy, maybe it'll grow on us.

14.-15. Ireland

Kai thinks it's getting a bit boring, but I still like it. It's a well written pop song and, though, as Kai loves to say it doesn't have good lyrics, I still enjoy listening to it.

14.-15. Russia

We're not all that sure about this song, there's something about it that I like, but at the same time it's so cheesy. Somehow it still got so high in our top.

12.-13. Serbia

I think this song is quite unusual for Serbia, but we like it, her voice is rather nice and I especially like the parts she sings in a deeper voice. It definitely need a few more listens, but for now it's here.

12.-13. Lithuania

It's Donny for Lithuania again. I definitely prefer his this year's song to the one he sung previously. It has a nice rythm to it and it's pleasant to listen to. I'm not the biggest fan of his voice, but the song alltogether is really good.

11. France

It's a nice song, it's catchy and I love the French parts of it. He's not quite as equally amazing live as some other artists in our top ten, but the song is still very good and he has time to work on it.

10. Switzerland

It's definitely a good song, she's very good live as well, Kai actually said she liked her voice better live. It has a bit of a Sia vibe to it and we like it.

9. Norway

It's a very beautiful ballad, one of the highest in our top. It has a rather big tempo change between the verse and chorus, but I think it makes the song more interesting to listen to.

7.-8. Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan usually sends good songs and this year is no exception, I liked it from the first listen, definitely prefer the verse, but it's allaround a good song.

7.-8. Australia

I actually like this song more than the one they sent last year. It's very catchy and earfriendly and I think she'll do well.

6. Hungary

It's a rather good song, every time I listen to it, I enjoy it more and more, I like the whistling and his voice, but when I try to memorise it later, it's like it's gone, Kai doesn't have that problem, she digs it.

5. Iceland

This song is definitely very good, especially along with the performance, it's a bit dark and mystical and we like it. For me I do feel like without the performance it's not quite as amazing, but still very good.

4. Italy

Love the Italian language and this song, sounds really good quality and well sung to me, it has been said that they might change the song, so we'll see if we like the new one as much.

3. Germany

I think this song is very nice and this song haunts me the most. She performes it very well, it was our favourite from Germany.

2. Cyprus

We both like this song a lot... enjoyed it from the first listen, it has quite a different vibe and we like it.

1. Spain

Spain remains our favourite, it's a very good song, I like the lyrics, don't even mind the dancing. She sings it well and Kai has confessed to wishing she had her voice, so it's amazing and our first place for now.

Kaiela :)


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