Eurovision 2018 Our Top 21 + Comments (28.02.18)

Hello :)

Today we are here with our top 21 for this year's Eurovision songs that have been released thus far. The post might be a little late since I also want to add some comments, but I hope you won't mind. As usual, Kai and I rated all of the songs from 1 to 21, calculated the averages and that's how the top was created. Let's get to it then.

21. Moldova

The song itself is very cheerful and happy, it's well performed that for sure. I think 10-15 years ago it would've been an amazing act, but at the moment it feels a little outdated. Moldova had a song very similar in style last year as well and we weren't the biggest fans of that song either, this just feels like a slightly weaker version of their last year's song, so for that reason, it is last. That being said, it is not a bad song by any means and I'm sure it has its fans.

20. Serbia

It's a very unique song, I love that they sing in their own language and the performance is accurate to represent their country. Again this song has a lot of fans, but it's not quite our cup of tea. I do also think that the old man with green classes is really cool.

19. The Czech Republic

This song just like the last two I mentioned has a lot of fans, probably most people love it, but something about it just doesn't sympathise with me. The camel, I must mention, is amazing and really cool. The song is incredibly well produced as well It's not what I would find myself listening to often, it's not bad, it's just not for me. I do think it'll do well in the competition though if the staging is done well. 

18. Montenegro

Montenegro has come to the competition again with a beautiful Balkan ballad, they tend to do well, although it's not my personal favourite genre. I do think he performs well and his vocals are great if the staging would be turned into something magical and fitting with the song, I think it'd have potential to do well. Again, it is not a bad song, per se.

16.-17. Malta

This song tends to be loved or hated, it's a good song, a bit predictable perhaps, but she does perform it with passion and clearly enjoys herself on stage, which is a very important part of the entire show itself. I think her vocals are good, but the song could be more interesting. I just don't find myself wanting to listen to it again.

16.-17. Slovenia

This is another very interesting and unique song, Kai said it reminds her a bit of K-pop and I agree, it does have some similarities with it. The choreography is interesting and well thought through but for some reason, I feel like something is missing. 

14.-15. Armenia

It's another unique song, sung well an I like that it's in their native language. His performance perhaps could be polished here and there, but all in all, it was good, just the song lacks something to make it spectacular. I'd love to know the meaning behind the lyrics, maybe then I'd enjoy it more.

14.-15. The UK

I feel like a lot of people are very harsh on this song. I know it might be a little generic, but I don't think it's bad by any means. She is a very good singer for sure and I do think that if it wasn't a song from the UK, a lot more people would like it. We think it's pretty good, not among our favourites, but still good.

13. Romania

It is a very interesting song, it has a lot of twists and turns, but I feel like it still lacks something to make me want to listen to it again. I suppose it's just my personal preference. The song itself is good, she has a very strong voice and if the staging is done well, I think it'd be very enjoyable. 

12. Greece

It's a nice ethnic song in Greek, which I do think is a nice refreshing choice for them. I haven't heard her sing the song live yet, so I can't make my mind up completely, but so far, it's among the songs, that are good, but I wish there was just that something extra to make me love it. The song has a lot of fans already though and I think it'll do well.

11. Albania

I do enjoy Eurovision rock songs and this isn't an exception, it's nice, interesting and very well sung. I'm also interested to hear what the revamp will sound like since they do have to cut it down to 3 minutes, but so far it sounds promising.

9.-10. Hungary

This year they have made a brave choice once again, the song is so different, at first I wasn't sure what to think of it, but after a couple of listens, it definitely grew on me. I like that it is in Hungarian and I like that it is so different, it's more along the route of music that I would enjoy therefore the 'different' in this case is good.

9.-10. Belarus

This song is another one that got me scratching my head when I first listened to it, something about it sounded off, but then I just couldn't get it out of my head anymore and now it's most likely FOREVER stuck in there. It's definitely a guilty pleasure, but I sort of wish that he'd do well.

7.-8. Switzerland

This song has a little bit of a rock sound to it as well, I think she performs it fairly well, maybe could be improved a bit here and there, but she definitely seems to enjoy herself on the stage. I think the song sounds good and has a nice vibe. So we like it.

7.-8. Spain

I like the sound of Spanish, so I am very happy that the so sing it in their own native language, I think they are adorable and the song is nice and soothing. Or maybe I like it because I am a Capricorn and we're supposed to be hopeless romantics, I'm not sure. Anyway, I think they're cute and the song is very good.

6. Ukraine

I think this song is a very powerful and good song. I enjoy it a lot. The performance is also fairly good and I think Melovin has a great look, he dares to be a bit different and weird and I like it. I do feel like he also breathes the lyrics almost as much as he sings them, there's just a lot of power to them and sometimes I must admit, I like the sound but I just can't make out what exactly he is saying. That doesn't stop me from enjoying it anyway and there just is that something that makes me want to listen to it again - maybe the desire to find out what he is actually singing about. Either way, a good song.

5. Denmark

The song has this Viking warmen powerful sound to it while being simultaneously soft and pop-song-like. I like it a lot. I think the deeper voices in the background add a lot to it and I can see it doing well and being well liked. Their performance seems to be quite thought out already, I wonder what they'll do on the big stage.

4. Latvia

I've seen this song getting very mixed reviews, I don't know if it's because I have a similar taste in music to our neighbours, but I just like the song a lot, straight from the first listen. I think Laura also performs it very well and I enjoy both looking at and listening to her performance. I hope she'll do well.

3. Germany

This is another great song, he puts a lot of his soul into his performance, I like the meaning behind his lyrics and I usually tend to enjoy songs in that genre as well, so it just ticked all the boxes. I do think he has a hope of getting Germany a good place in the final this year, so let's hope that'll be the case.

2. France

I still enjoy this song a lot, French sounds beautiful and she is a great singer. Although I don't understand most of what she's saying, I still enjoy her performance a lot and the song is catchy and memorable. I hope she'll do well.

1. Italy

Italy tends to do well in our tops and somehow it has made its way up to our top this year again. The song has a very powerful meaning, they sing it well and with passion. Italian sounds beautiful, which is always a bonus and we just enjoy listening to the song a lot.

That's all for today, hope you enjoyed and I'll be back tomorrow with a bonus post, so stay tuned for that.

Kaiela :)


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