What I've Eaten on the Vegan Week

Hello :)

Today I thought I'd share some of the meals I've had this far on the vegan week. I haven't done anything fancy, kept it rather simple, but here they are:

For breakfast, I've been having granola with chia seeds and some rice-coconut milk every day. It's an easy and quick breakfast and I tend to be busy in the mornings, so it's what is convenient to have. If I have more time in the morning then I might also grab some fruit.

Lunches have varied a bit more, I have enjoyed trying some different things. One of my favourites has been the chickpea flour omelette, which is so easy to make and very delicious, I could eat it every day. All you need is water and the flour and seasonings and extras of your choice. Delicious.

I've also had tofu scramble for lunch, which is another quick and easy one, tasted very good as well and a lot of creativity could go into making it. I added a lot of greens, tomatoes and some mushrooms and onions. In addition to the scramble, I had a nice glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Yummie.

Another lunch that I had a few times was unflavoured oat yoghurt with as many toppings as I wished, I had it with bananas, berries, chia seeds and so on. It was really nice and filling.

Dinners have been rather fun as well. I've been really enjoying cooking and trying out new flavour combinations. One of my favourites was this spaghetti dish with self-made tomato and mushroom sauce with tofu and spinach as well. It was a bit like a tofu scramble, only with tomato puree and of course the tofu was not scrambled. It was also seasoned slightly differently, but it was very good for sure. I also like warm salads such as the warm cabbage and carrot salad next to the spaghetti.

Sorry for the really bad quality photo :)
Next up, I also had the really nice oven baked potato plate, I also had carrots and two different warm salads, one green and also the same carrot-cabbage salad. I made a really nice creamy cheesy (nutritional yeasty) sauce on the potatoes, it was really nice.

We had a little cheat meal as well, we had two sweet potato burgers, which were amazing and shared a small smiley fry meal as well.

That's all for today, 
Kaiela :)


  1. Awesome 😃😃😃

    What is the longest time you've been vegan. What do you find the hardest about it? What do you like the most? Should other people try it? Why/why not?

    1. Thanks for the comment, so many questions, sounds like a full blog post, but for the quick answeres, I think the most I've been fully plant-based has been a month, after that I also had a long period of being plant-based for at least 6 days of the week. In general I'm very flexible with my eating as that is most sustainable for me. I like the food, I like the way it makes me feel and I generally get more nutrition out of my meals when I am plant based, it also inspres me to try more new recipes. The hardest part is probably having to give up all the dairy in chocolates and ice cream, it's my main weakness, eveything else I could probably live without, maybe I'd also miss sushi. I think everyone should at least give it a fair try, for a week or two, if you don't like it, you can always go back, but as always, I'd recommend tracking your eating to know if you are having enough of everything that you need, it's easy to undereat on a healthy plant-based diet, there is just so much fiber and you end up feeling full a lot faster. I wouldn't recommend trying it only if a person isn't going to take it seriously or will go into it already having made up their mind about it being impossible since then it is most likely going to be a failure. I think the most important part is that you want to try it and are openminded. I hope that answered all of your questions, but I could definitely make a longer indepth post about it.

    2. Great answer 😃 if you have the time, I would love to read a longer indepth post about it.

    3. Sure, I'll put it on my list ;)


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