Shadowhunters - our thoughts of the show

Hello :)

Now that the Shadowhunters TV show has ended we decided to give some of our final thoughts about it. We got to watch the season finale´ today, although it aired yesterday. There were alltogether 13 episodes, wish there had been more and we're definitely happy there'll be a second season.

So firstly, I guess it's quite obvious for anyone who has read the books, that the TV show was rather different from the original story. The resoning behind it was that the makers wanted it to be interesting even for those, who have read the book and in that sense I do agree, there were more unexpected things than in the movie for example. At parts I felt it was suitable and ran well with the story, at other's I'm not so sure, but when I think about the entire thing in general, then I'm happy with it and enjoyed it, none of the changes bothered me so much that I would'ev stopped watching it.

At first it took a bit of time to get used to the fact that some of the characters (for example Maureen and Camille) in the show looked very different from what they were supposed to look like, but in the end it is more important that they portray the character well and for that they don't have to look exactly like they would'ev in the book.

We were very happy to see that they included cats, although they were in only one episode, we would'ev liked to see more of them, since they were in the book and they're cats and we love cats, so that could be improved.

In terms of acting I think they did a pretty good job, maybe it wasn't quite as professional as with some other series, but it was still very good and got better as the show went on

The outfits were also better than in the movie, especially Magnus Bane's outfits and Isabelle's as well.

The demons looked pretty good as well, or maybe not good, but realistic and scary, although a lot of them looked alike and I was hoping for more diversity, they still did a good job with them as well.

I was glad that the general points of the story stayed the same and they didn't change the plot to an extent where you couldn't follow where the story was in comparison to the book.

As for the ending, I feel it kept the story interesting, it was rather different from what it was like in the books, but we still liked it.

So all in all we liked the show, would recommend it, I probably enjoyed the books a bit more, but that doesn't by any means mean that the show was bad, it was still very good. We're huge fans and that hasn't changed, looking forward to the second season, I'm sure they'll do a great job with it, especially since the first season turend out to be a success.

Kaiela :)


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