Goals for 2017

Hello :)

Today we're here to tell you a bit about our goals for the upcoming year, as I've said before, I don't like to make huge promises, since I know it can be a bit overwhelming to try to change a lot in a year, but to motivate myself I have chosen some little things I wish to change or improve, so that these changes I make will be long-term, anyway let's get into then.

One big thing which I guess I've been working on for a while now, is to improve my eating habbits and be generally healthier, to make it slightly more specific, since otherwise, it's very vague, I would like to start by having healthy breakfast every single morning and to never skip the meal, since it is important to be fueled for the day ahead, so I will try to get more food in the morning and also make it as healthy as I possibly can, my breakfast isn't usually very unhealthy, but I could eat more and I could add more variety to it, so that's a goal I will be working on.

Once I feel that I've accomplished the goal of having healthy breakfasts, I can move on to having healthy lunches and dinners and snacks as well. I also wish to get more nutrients from my food, so I'll try to track what I eat and how I'm doing and find good supplements, where needed, based on that since I truly feel like that's what would benefit my health all around the most. It is a big goal, so I'm starting with baby steps and we'll see how I'll do.

Next would be the most common goal you'll ever hear, I wish to work out more, get a bit more toned and generally feel stronger, I actually have done pretty good with that this year and I'm proud of myself for having a semi-regular work out schedule and I feel that I've gotten stronger, but there's definitely room for improvement. Now that I got a beautiful yoga mat for Christmas, I feel like I have no excuse to not get on the floor and practice a bit of yoga or light strength exercises every now and then, I feel like every other day or 3-4 days a week is a good goal, I might start with 3 and move my way up from there, again baby steps.

In regards to the exercise goal, Yoga With Adriene is hosting 31 days of Yoga again this year, which I, of course, wish to take part in, I've done it for two years and I love it.

Moving on from health-related goals I wish to do well in school, I have a goal of keeping my average above 4,6, if I can do that then I will be extra super proud of myself. I have some difficult subjects ahead, but I believe, I can do it.

I also have a book goal, which hopefully will get me back into reading more, I wish to finish at least 12 books by the end of the year, that would be a book in a month, which really isn't a lot, so I'm sure I can do it, I just have to start reading, since when I do, I'm unstoppable.

Next up, all the goals that Kai has set for herself:

She also wishes to be healthier and a part of that would be to decrease the number of animal products that she is consuming, I do intend to join in on that as well. We have considering trying to be vegan for a month, but we still haven't decided when or how we'll do that, but it's an idea and I think it'd be a great challenge as well.

Another goal for her is to improve her physique, by getting stronger and more flexible, so she also wants to work out more and stretch more.

A very good goal that she has, is to draw at least 10 drawings every month, I will keep a close eye on that and there's a high chance you'll see some of her drawings here on the blog as well since she is very talented.

She obviously also wants to keep up the good work at school, she doesn't have a specific grade in mind, just to give her best and see how it goes.

And lastly she wants to continue being an active volunteer at the cat shelter that we go to, obviously, that's also something I wish to do.

I think we both have some good goals for the next year and we'll slowly start incorporating them into our monthly goals as well, which we have blog posts every month on, so stay tuned and feel free to leave any goals of yours' in the comment section below.

Have a nice end of the year!
Kaiela :)


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