Film Review: Suicide Squad

Hello :)

Today we're here with a movie review, we actually went to see it a little while back and it's been out for a while, but we wanted to review it, so that's what we're doing.

The movie we're talking about, as you probably could've guessed from the title is Suicide Squad, I know a lot of people have have seen it and there are plenty of mixed opinions, some like it a lot, some dislike everything about it with a passion, we must say enjoyed it quite a lot.

It's not the type of movie I would usually gravitate towards, it's more of a Kai's area of expertise, so she should be writing this, but I'm going to try to give you both of our first impressions and general thoughts.

I feel like most people already know the story behind this movie, so instead of writing it all down here, I'm just going to leave you with a trailer, so you could see and choose for yourself, I'll just get straight into the review.

I feel like the movie is great even for those, who are not usually familiar with the backstories of the characters, it talked a bit about all of them and their pasts, which I thought was a nice touch and made the movie easier to understand. I liked most of the main characters as well, because they weren't the usual perfect type of people you often see in the movies, they were intersting and complex and although nothing like most people in real life, they were still more like an average person than most movie characters. They weren't perfect, they weren't always good.

I also liked the casting, the actors and actresses were clearly very good at their job and they made the characters intersting to watch. I personally wasn't disappointed in any of them. I know Jared Leto has got a lot of criticism about his role as Joker, but we actually quite liked the way he portraid him, it's not what most people are used to, but it was interesting to follow and I liked his touch on the famous character.

Costumes were also rather well thought out. I liked that they had changed things up a bit, but not too much, since again it gave a newer feeling to the movie.

Another thing we would like to give them credit for was the soundtrack, there were quite a few good songs, which again, I will add to the post, if I remember to. The only downside is that they didn't include the Panic! at the Disco version of Bohemian Rhapsody, which we thought was amazing, but that's ok, we forgive them.

I guess one of the negative things that is said about the movie that we sort of understand, is the fact that it wasn't even half as rough as a situation like the one played out in the movie would be expected to be, it all still ended well and most people got their happy ending, but I guess that's what people expect from a movie most of the time.

Anyway, all in all we liked the movie and would recommend it.

Kaiela :)


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