What I eat in a day + reaching all the macro- and micronutrients :)

Hello :)

It's time for another health post. Today you're going to see everything that I ate as well as the nutrients and how well I did on reaching all of the necessary micronutrients in particular. I did this based on myself, but anyone can go to Nutridata or Cronometer or some other nutritional database and make their own meal plans to make sure they're getting as much nutrition in during the day as possible. Anyway, here is everything I ate.

Also, side note, big thanks to the reader who recommended that we do this, we're always happy to hear feedback and recommendations.

Breakfast was dry porridge mix with some yoghurt type of thing, chia seeds and kama, next to that i also had a fruit bowl of strawberries and banana. If I were to recommend changing anything up about this, it would be to have unflavoured yoghurt, if you wish to be dairy free, then some coconut yoghurt or even plant based milk drink, since with the chia seeds it created this jelly like dessert, so it won't be too watery. Chia seeds give this breakfast some Omega-3 as well, the strawberries alone give the daily need for Vitamin C (I had roughly about 250g of strawberries), bananas have Magnesium and Potassium in them and kama, which is a mix of different grains, has a lot of different minerals in it, including Iron, Zinc and Iodine, for example. This breakfast alone also gives more than half of the daily fibre recommendation, which is vital for good digestion. In addition to all that amazingness it was very delicious. You could change up the fruits and grains obviously, just aim for roughly 500 kcal or more, so that you'd get enough energy for the day and yes that is coming from the person who isn't a breakfast person at all, I do know it's important though.

Lunch time rolled around and I decided to have a light snack, I had a bit of a late breakfast, so I wasn't very hungry yet, but this is what I decided to have: two slices of toast with peanut butter, a pear, an orange and a handful of nuts and rasins. It would be wiser to have wholegrain bread instead of the white bread that I used, it would'ev definitely given more nutritionally, but it was the only one I had at the current moment. Peanut butter isn't the healthiest thing to have, but I really like it, if you wished to be super healthy, then you could make your own avocado butter or just put fresh fruit on toast or something like that, but this was my choice. I also had an orange, which was again a whole days need for Vitamin C, so I definitely got enough of that and the pear was just a little extra. Nuts are generally high in minerals, so they're good to have in moderation. Not too much, though, since they are high in Omega-6, still a bit won't do any harm.

I am the type of person who usually has the biggest meal in the evening and although this looks like a huge portion it was actually just about 500 - 600 kcal. In fact all of my meals so far were around 500 kcal. I was hoping that it'd be a bit more, since I was so full after eating it. Anyway I had two different salads, one was just carrot and beet root and the second one was lentils, quinoa, spinach and some other green leafy vegetables and tomato. Next to those salads I had wholegrain pasta and smoked salmon. It was so good and so filling as well. I had some of the salad left over as well, didn't finish all of those bowls. I also added some low fat salad dressing on all of that.

This meal was full of vitamins and minerals, I got my entire days worth of Vitamin D from the fish, or at least the minimum amount of Vitamin D, to be precice. I also got plenty of fibre, iron, B12 and essencially everthing I was still missing out on. Carrots are a great source of Vitamin A, beet root has a bit of Iron in it, but to make it absorb better it's good to have Vitamin C as well with it, so I added some tomatoes and green leafy vegetables for that. Lentils and quinoa are both very high in mineral content and so it happened that I had almost all of my micronutrients filled after this.

Sometime during the day I also had some tea, which I thought I'd mention, it's a really nice tea, recommend it. Didn't add any sweetner to it either, it's great as it is.

And lastly a late night snack of carrots and beet root and a little sweet snack of dark chocolate (80% cocoa) and some dried plums. Since I was still a little bit low on Iron, Vitamin A, Zinc and Calcium at this point, I decided to have the rest of this salad, it had both Vitamin A and Iron it it. The dried plums also contain Iron and so does dark chocolate. Thanks to this I was only a bit short on Zinc and Calcium at this point, bot of which were actually around 80% full, Zinc was even over that, around 90%.

Obviously it's also important to be hydrated, so I had a bit of water as well.

Lastly, since I was still a fewhundred calories away from my goal I had a bit of chocolate, but if I would've had the chance then I would've had almonds instead and that's also what I recommend for those wishing to reach their micronutrient goals, since almonds would've given that extra bit that I was missing.

Here are all of the lovely charts I made for you. As you can see I reached my goal to almost all of the nutrients, with one exception. First row is nutrient, second, the amount I got, third the recommendation and then the percentage I got.

Hope you enjoyed,
Kaiela :)


  1. Thank you so much! It was exactly what I was hoping for! Also all the food looks super delicious. Great job! :)

    What did you use for the charts?

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. I used the Estonian official nutrition database Nutridata, where I could add everything I ate and the program did all the work for me. It is also possible to download the nutritional information from there as an Excel file, which I used to transalte everything and create this chart. Alternatively you could also use Cronometer, where you could do exactly the same, only it's in English. :)

  2. Looks good and tastefull, also diverse nutriënts. Is it possible that you can mention some compounds like anti-oxidants in the foods you are eating?

    1. Thank you for your comment. I haven't looked much into the anti-oxidant content of my foods, although I think it would be interesting, I just haven't found a database that would give that much information and would also include everything that I might eat, but it's a good suggestion and I'll be looking into it more. :)


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