5 More Tips to Help You (Hopefully) Get Healthier #3

Hello :)

Today I thought I'd share some more tips to hopefully get you to be a little healthier than you were before, this time I'll try to share some tips that help me de-stress and take care of my mental health. Just as with physical health I believe that a lot of work can be put into preventing mental illnesses, obviously everything can't be prevented, but you can do little everyday things to have less anxiety and stress and generally have a more positive and peaceful mindset. So let's get into the tips.

  • One way for me to sort my thoughts out, when I feel like everything's getting a bit too much, is to simply get it out, for me writing all of the things down helps a lot, but also sometimes just talking to someone that I trust and feel comfortable enough helps me feel more at ease. If you don't have anyone to talk to, then you still have yourself and writing down the things that make you feel stressed or anxious can help you see it from a different point of view. I used to journal quite often and I haven't been as active at doing that lately, but I'd really love to get back into it since I feel like it's very useful.
  • Another thing that can help me relax is working out, especially yoga, it's so good to feel my body support me and to have a better understanding of myself, it's hard to describe unless you've done it. The best feeling is meditating at the end of a yoga session, it feels absolutely heavenly. Other types of working out obviously help as well, I just instantly feel better after I have moved my body a bit, it's refreshing and good for you and that comes from a person who used to not enjoy working out at all. When you find something you like, you'll be hooked.
  • Although it seems pretty obvious, I just made the connection inside my mind that our mental health is also linked to our nutrition and a lot of the things that we eat can affect how good we feel. It's not just the fact that when I eat well, I feel good because it's rewarding to have a full day of eating really healthy, but there are actually nutrients that can help your brain function better, for example, the ones in saffron extract. Studies have also shown that certain mental health issues can be linked to inflammation in the body and the brain, so having an anti-inflammatory lifestyle is sure to help.
  • Taking time off during a busy and stressful time seems impossible since there's this list of things constantly at the back of my mind that I need to do, but for me, the levels of stress and anxiety are linked very strongly to the amount of rest I get. If I'm tired and busy and stressed I am so much more likely to be snappy and unhappy, so even when I have very very much to do, I try to take a few little brakes throughout the day so the people around me wouldn't start hating me and most of all that I wouldn't start hating myself either.
  • Lastly, one thing that I feel is most important, is to seek for help, if you do feel like something is wrong and you can't handle it on your own. There is no shame in asking for help or admitting that something is wrong. We're all constantly trying to improve ourselves and this is just one way of doing so.
That's all for today, see you again in a new post tomorrow.

Kaiela :)


  1. I completely agree with you but sometimes it's hard to figure out the cause of stress. Often small things add up. Thinking that I'm stressed because of one of these things seems impossible. So I guess it's important to analyze your emotions and find the cause first before you start working out and get depressed because you can't bend yourself like your little sister.

    Keep up the awesome posts! 😃

    1. That's true, self-analyzing is very important, that's why I enjoyed journalling and writing things down, it helps me undestand what I'm feeling and why I'm feeling so. And don't worry if you're not as bendy as someone else, focus on yourself and find what feels good. :)

      Thanks for the comment!


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