To Kill a Cactus - One of Those Days part 2

One of Those Days part 1: HERE


After walking for about seven hours without a single break, we decided to have our first stop. I guess I should explain, Exitium wasn't far away from where we were, but it was well secured, the main entrance had been closed once the infection begun to spread and now the city walls have expanded, there are layers and layers of walls and obstacles, so nobody could get in or out of the city. We were on the ouskirts of the furthest wall they had built. When I escaped, I only walked for a few days before I changed my mind, so I wasn't in the middle of nowhere, just the life had concentrated so strongly to cities that a few kilometers outside of it already looked dead. Yeah, I may have been a bit overdramatic at the beginning of this story, but it definitely felt like I was the only person on Earth back then.
Our first stop was about two or three hours away from the first wall, it was time we made some sort of a plan.
"How did you even get out of there?" Ash asked me during our little lunch break.
"It's a bit of a complicated story," I felt my cheeks blush as I said that. I didn't enjoy the feeling and I definitely didn't enjoy reminiscing my escape, but I knew I had to tell him eventually.
"I'm all ears," he answered and looked at me piercingly.
I considered lieing to him, but since I was and always had been very bad at telling lies, I decided to tell the truth.
"Uhm...well, I'm a rather small person you see," I begun hesitantly.
"I noticed," he nodded.
I was very short, the average height had risen to nearly 180 cm for women and over 200 cm for men, so me standing at just below 155 cm was considered tiny.
"I got through the first bars fairly easily because of that, I just about managed to crawl underneath them. Since I can't swim, then I had one of those children's floating whale things, with that I made my way over the water," I could hear him giggling when I said that, but I continued, " then I tried to climb over the wall, but it was very difficult, so I went near the gate and hid inside an empty wine barrel, the guards carried them out to the next area, where they were supposed to be burned, I didn't know that when I hid inside of it, just thought I'd say that, so when I realised what they were about to do, I hopped out and ran for it. it was the fastest 100 metres I had ever ran, then of course one of the guards caught up to me. I mean his legs were nearly up to neck, so it had to happen eventually. I didn't have anything to protect myself with, so I just grabbed the first thing from my bag which was a dirty sock and threw it at him, it landed on his face, surprisingly, and that stalled him enough for me to run for the forest, where I actually managed to climb a tree and hide there until they got bored of searching for me. So, that's how I did it."
There was a silence for a moment and then he bursted out laughing.
"That must be a great story to tell at parties," he said while still laughing to himself every now and then.
"I've never been to a party," I answered, without realising I had said it out loud.
"Really?" he said, although, he didn't seem to surprised when he asked that.
"I'm not much of a partier. I had a tea party once with my two cats, if that counts," I said more to myself since he was still giggling.
"That definitely doesn't count. You know what, when all of this is over, then I'm going to host a party and you are going to love it."
"Will there be cake and cats?"
"Sure, cake and cats and anything else you want."
"Then I'm in, but we have to think of a better plan than the one I had, so we could get back in," I said as I pulled out the map where I had drawn out all of the obstacles ahead of us, as much as I remembered and had seen them. It was almost a beautiful drawing of a horrible mess, I was pretty proud of my drawing skills, I even drew a little guard standing at the gates with a sock over his face.
"You are right, we need a good plan, although, better keep that other sock from that pair near to you," he laughed and we started creating our plan.


To be continued


  1. When you've released all the parts, will there be some sort of ebook available?

    1. If we have enough demand, then I see no reason why there shouldn't be. :)


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