To Kill a Cactus - The Zombie Guide

Hello :)

Today I have a new addition to the To Kill a Cactus story, but instead of writing a new part to the fourth chapter, I'm going to give you a tiny zombie guide, with some illustrations, I'm not good at drawing humans or zombies, but I gave my best, so hopefully you'll enjoy.

The Zombie Guide

The world has been infected, a scientist created a medicine that was supposed to solve the clean drinking water drought, people were injected with it and for a while all was good. Soon enough the side-effects were discovered and they were far from nice. All people who were infected turned into cacti like zombies. At first glance, they all seemed alike, but that was not the case at all.

The silent ones

The majority of people had the silent form of the infection, they were not aggressive, just silent, eyes blank, skin dull, hair falling out, being replaced by thorns and needles. Their skin went lumpy, some had horns, spikes, parts of the skin covered in hard shells, they all were different, but behaviour very much alike.

The ones with the silent version of the disease would be best described with the word apathy, they have little interest in things going on around them and they would only feed among themselves. That means that every now and then when one of the zombies got too weak and would lose consciousness, then the others would have a meal. Even during the feast they would remain quiet and simply pull and rip what they wished to eat, nothing would remain of the human or zombie that used to stand with the others.

The silent ones are often found in large groups, staring at something. They don't move long distances and if they do, then it's still quite unsure what motivates them to go from one place to another.

The Active ones

The active ones are in appearance very similar to the silent ones, but the main thing that differentiates them is that they are not silent, as could be guessed, they are very aggressive and seem to communicate with each other via growls and yells, they rarely say out words, yet the group of zombies that move together seem to understand each other perfectly. They are capable of hunting, making plans and carrying them out.

The Active ones do not feed on other zombies they prefer the fresh taste of an uninfected human, once the human has been fed on, he or she also turns into a zombie, that also means that the human is not consumed entirely, usually they are bitten, maybe missing some toes, fingers an eye or ear, but for the most part still intact.

The Wise Ones

In addition to the majority of zombies, there are also some that have a better understanding of themselves and the situations that they are in. The wise ones are in a way blessed, since the medicine sort of worked for them, they don't need water and they do not hunt for others, they seem almost normal, but they have developed some higher senses, some of them can see ghosts, spirits, auras, some can control others, read minds, move faster, see better, everything they do is amplified. What they do with those abilities depends on the person.

The amount of information on these types of zombies is limited, they tend to hold to themselves, they're in the hideout since there's too much going on around them.

There's a possibility that the wise ones also actually consist of different types of zombies and we're unsure if they can actually be called zombies, but they definitely aren't human and they have been infected.

They have some distinctive features, like often a few thorns, spikes, cracks on the skin, for some reason they often choose to have piercings and tattoos, why they have chosen to do that is also unsure.

That's all we currently know of the zombies around us, but new information is coming out every day, so stay tuned.


Kaiela :)


  1. I love it! I really look forward to other bonus posts about the story. Does Paithoon know all of this already?

    1. Paithoon doesn't know much about the zombies yet, it's a rather hush-hush topic, but she'll find out more soon. :)


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