To Kill a Cactus - Dark Matter part 2

Dark Matter part 1: HERE


It felt so good to sleep on fresh, clean sheets in a soft bed. I hadn't slept for so long and so well in ages. I already felt better after a few hour nap, the pain was gone, I felt like a new person, of course, it could've been caused by the number of drugs they were pumping into me. In a normal situation, I would've been worried about what exactly they were giving to me, but I was feeling so good that I didn't even care.

The nurse that was taking care of me was very nice, she didn't talk much, every time I tried to ask something, she'd stop me before I could get a word out. Most of the time she'd sit by the desk on the other side of the room and type something into her very modern looking computer, there was a quiet swish of her fingers going over the touch-sensitive keyboard, I was wondering what she was writing, she'd look at the screens beside my bed, print things out and type and type and type. 

Although I got quite a bit of sleep, I'd still feel pretty tired and dozed off every now and then, I completely lost track of time. At one point, I woke up when they were taking me off from the drugs and moved me to another room. 

"You are well enough to be put into the joined room tomorrow, but now get some rest," said the lovely nurse as she wrapped me in a warm blanket again.

I nodded sleepily and crawled into a little ball, it felt so comfortable, I felt like I could've just been there for the rest of my life.

The next moment I woke up, I felt a wave of anxiety go over me. It was dark, obviously the night, everything was quiet, I was alone. All of the drugs had clearly run through my body and I felt like I really needed to go to the toilet, so I got up and searched for a sign leading me to the right direction. There were was just one door and that led outside from my room, so I assumed that I would find a toilet somewhere in the corridor. 

One of the benefits of not needing much water was definitely not having to pee every few hours, I clearly hadn't been infected, since every drop of water that I had, found its way out very quickly.

Anyway, I felt a little dizzy but decided to go towards the exit nonetheless. I dragged myself to the door and was about to go out until a noticed a folder with my photo on it on a shelf by the door. It wouldn't have been anything special, but the photo on it was one of me taken a few years ago in front of my school and I had never seen it before. I was looking away from the camera, smiling towards someone on my right who had been cut out of the photo. My hair was curly and I rarely curled it, so it must have been a special occasion. It was odd though as if it was taken secretly and I would lie if I said that it didn't creep me out.

I opened the folder, it was filled with information about me, starting from the day I was born to the day I escaped, every detail, even things like the name of my first cat and his medical history, I flipped through the pages until the last page. It said Subject P19208151514 found, captured. I heard someone open the door, so I quickly put the folder back. 

A male nurse opened the door and looked at me rather angrily.

"What are you doing up?" he asked and the tone of his voice frightened me.

"I need to go to the toilet," I answered without bringing my eyes up from the floor.

"Follow me," he said and pulled me by the hand down the hallway to the toilets.

I quickly got in and felt myself tremble, I wanted to know what else they had written down about me and why they even needed so much information and why did they say I was captured. I felt like something was very off about this place. And Ash was out somewhere I should've been helping him, I felt all of the emotions from the past weeks come over me like a wave. Tears covered my eyes and I could barely breathe, but I knew I had to stay calm and find a way out of this place, so I gathered myself, washed my hands and got out. The male nurse was still waiting for me, I read from his name tag H. Hallow. It was an unfamiliar name to me, so he clearly couldn't have known me, but he treated me as if I had personally insulted him or his pet bunny, he looked like a person who would have a bunny. If he hadn't looked so angry, then I think I would've liked him.

He sent me back to my room and watched me get back to bed. He definitely didn't bother to tuck me in, he just closed the door and left a nasty bruise on my arm, where he had held onto me.

Once he left, I wanted to go and see what else my folder said, but it was gone, somehow I wasn't surprised, I had a feeling it wasn't meant for my eyes.


To be Continued


  1. Creepy! I wonder why they have such detailed information about her and her first cat and HIS medical history. For a moment I thought I had read it wrong. 😃 Looking forward to the next part.

    1. You read it right, every last detail of her and her cat. Hopefully next part will be up soon, but I also have some other exciting ideas to add to this story, which hopefully you'll like. :)


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