Our Goals For 2018

Hello :)

The year coming to an end and it's time for us to share some of our goals for the year ahead of us, some of the goals are related to the blog, some are more personal, so let's just get to it.

Ideally, I would like to reach 50 000 views on our blog by the end of the year, I know or some, that isn't much and for some that might seem a bit too ambitious, but I hope that we can reach and I'll give my best to reach that goal, so we'll see how we'll do.

I'd also like to post more often, I did really well for a while, when I was in the habit of posting every other day and it was fun and the blog did really well during that period, but I don't know if I'd be able to blog every other day, since I definitely have weeks during which I'm very very busy, however, I do want to get into a habit and post more regularly, so for the year ahead, I'd like to post three times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and how I intend to do it, is to write more blog posts ahead and schedule them to go up at the correct time, hopefully it'll work out and this will be our first Monday post, if I'm feeling extra inspired then there might be some bonus posts, but for now I'll stick to that.

One more blog goal is to finish the To Kill a Cactus story, I have an idea about where it'll go and I hope to finish it and then edit it and illustrate it and maybe turn it into an ebook. I have reread some parts and I'd like to improve the general story, so it'd be more fluent and I'd also like to talk more about certain characters, but for now, the goal is just to generally finish the first draft, so to speak.

Moving on to my personal goals for the upcoming year. Firstly, I'd like to do the Yoga With Adriene 30 Days of Yoga again, she creates an amazing 30 Day Yoga challenge in the beginning of the year for the past 3 years, I've done them all and really enjoyed it, so I'd definitely like to do it again this year. The 30 Day Yoga Journey this year is called True and it's suitable for everyone, I really like the intention behind this year's little(or big) journey, so I recommend all to try it out.

Related to working out, just like last year, I still wish to be active, I think in 2017 I really found a passion for working out more, which I didn't have before, I actually get excited about getting out my workout equipment, may it be my mat or weights or just going for a walk and it has definitely been a journey for me, I still enjoy working out alone more than going to big classes, I just feel more comfortable that way, but I also enjoy the yoga classes that I've gone to. I know for a lot of people me enjoying exercise seems like a joke, since I've never been particularly athletic, but I've found that now, when I don't have to do it, rather I choose to do it, I enjoy it so much more. I love the feeling of being stronger, more flexible, having more endurance, just generally feeling like I'm capable of so much more and that's the feeling I want to continue having in 2018.

As for particular exercise goals, I feel like it'd be more suitable to set them for each month individually, so that's the plan, I can adjust them depending on how I'm feeling and change it up, to keep it fun.

I also wish to be healthy, I want to have a maintainable, healthy and fun eating plan for myself, I wish to cook more and get the most out of the food that I choose to eat, so that's the main eating goal I have. I also will challenge myself to eat more in the mornings, I know that I should, but usually I'm not very hungry, however I feel like I'd feel more energised at school, if I had more to eat in the mornings and that way I could distribute my energy intake better during the day.

As I mentioned in the recap blog post, I wish to read more, so 12 books by the end of the year is the goal, I'm sure I could do more and if I finish 12, I might add a few more. I do enjoy reading a lot and I'd like to get back into it.

The same goes for drawings, I enjoy sketching and drawing, so I'd like to finish 100 drawings by the end of the year, maybe a bit ambitious, but I'll give it my best. I'll definitely be posting them on the blog as well, so stay tuned for that.

One of the biggest goals that I do have for myself is to stress less, I know I have the tendency to overthink things and due to that get anxious and stressed, I'd like to feel less of those feelings. I think I slightly slacked in that department this year, I usually take a lot more time to focus on my mental health and finding ways to de-stress, so I'd like to get back on track with that as well. I know that it can be a challenge, but I believe I can do it.

One last thing, is of course, school, I still want to give it my best and graduate well and write a great final thesis. 

Kai is very busy at the moment so I might add her goals to the ones I have, in a future blog post, possibly sometime in January, but for now, this is it and Happy New Year!! :)

Kaiela :)


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