Weird Dream Wednesday: Backstreet Boys and Bit of Magic

Backstreet Boys and Bit of Magic

It was a hot Summer day, I was standing among a crowd with my sister and a few of my friends, including Kai, next to me. We were waiting in line to see Backstreet Boys perform, we could already hear them singing, but there was a catch. Everyone who wanted to hear them sing in person had to go through a gate to a sports field and play dodgeball, but not just dodgeball, we had to play the game with a giant beach ball. 

We had to wait for a little while, but eventually, we got to the field. My friends and I were in one team and we were playing against some strangers. The game was stressful, all the memories from primary school came back to me and I was just as terrible at it as I used to be. Yet somehow we managed to win and as a reward, we could listen to the band for a little while longer.

All of a sudden me and my friends started performing ourselves, apparently we had created our own version of a Backstreet Boys song called Shape of My Heart and we had changed the lyrics a bit, made a dance as well and we got to perform it to the band in person.

I think it was a success, but the next thing I remember was us driving home in a bus, we stopped about 7 km before our home and had walk from there, that's when the magic began

Kai started telling me a story about love letters that would be left in the trees by the road for them to fall to the person who they were meant to, when the person walked by and just like magic love letters in pink envelopes appeared before us, covering the trees.

None of them fell down though when we walked by, I'm not sure what to make of that. 

Either way, we walked and waited for my father's car to come pick us up and that's where the dream ended. 


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