Our TV-show Awards of 2017

Hello :)

It is time for the annual best TV shows of the year awards from Kaiela. We don't watch a lot of movies, but we do have some TV shows that we watch and love, so we thought it'd be appropriate to share them with the world, in case some of you are in a drought while looking for something to watch. Anyway, without further ado, here are some of our new and old faves of 2017.

Best New TV shows are up first, this means that the show is new to us, we started watching all of these during the past 12 months. Let's begin with iZombie, one of the best zombie stories I have ever seen or read, I really enjoy it for both the comedy and action that goes on in the series, it's thrilling and full of surprises, it's also very well produced and has a great cast, so full points from us.

Another new series we watched was Forever, although the series itself isn't new and it only had one season, guess there was a lack of interest, we enjoyed it very very much, it's sort of similar to iZombie in the sense that it had both a bit of comedy, action, crime, it's really good and I wish it had more seasons.

The third new series we'd like to give some attention to is a French series called The Returned (Les Revenants), which is also sort of a zombie/undead type of series, but it has a completely different feel to it. It's more like drama and horror/mystery, so if that's something you're interested in, then definitely give it a watch.

Obviously, we have to give out honourable mentions to all of the TV shows that we have continued to watch throughout the years. I believe I've written about most of them before in our blog, but let's go over them anyway.

One of our favourites is still Lucifer, it's a great comedy and crime show that features the Devil and some other angels, it's very fun to watch and always goes by in a heartbeat, we love it and can't recommend it enough.

Next up, this year we were graced with a few episodes of Sherlock, I know there have been some disagreements about the last season, some think it's too different, but after giving it a watch, I must say I loved it. It has also been a huge favourite of Kai for a very long while and now I finally understand why.

Still on our watch list is also The Shadowhunters, which is coming out with a new season this April, we're obviously excited. The show is fun, it has quite a bit of mystery and magic in it, which we love and although this series has as well got a lot of backlash for not being identical with the book, I try and take it as a separate part of the story and as long as they don't trail too far away from the original, I'm fine with it.

The last list that we'd like to bring out is our favourite YouTube series, just a little list in case you are interested. The main ones that we both watch are BuzzFeed Unsolved series, both True Crime and Supernatural and we also really enjoy listening and watching Kendall Rae and Joshledore.

That's all for today and see you in our next post.

Kaiela :)


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