Zodiac Signs - Am I a True Capricorn?

Hello :)

Today's blog post is a little different, maybe a bit ranty, but I just felt like writing about it, because the topic came up today and as you could probably tell from the title it's about the Zodiac signs. More specifically I'm going to talk about Capricorns since I am one. I am also going to touch on the general idea of Zodiac signs and what I think of them, so if you're interested in that type of things, then this one is for you.

My sun sign is Capricorn, I am born quite at the end of the Capricorn season, my birthday was just last week on the 18th, I am not entirely sure about the other signs that I am born under I have attempted to read the charts, but I wasn't very successful at that. I do know that I am also an Earth sign though, along with Virgo and Taurus.

In general, a Capricorn is described as a realist, not much of a dreamer, which is the first thing that I'm not quite certain about when I think about myself, I try my best to be a realist because I feel like I am more efficient when I don't get lost in my dreamland, but that said, I enjoy dreaming and being creative and I feel like that is a huge part of my personality, so I feel like I have got a fairly good balance of being a realist and a dreamer at the same time, if I do say so myself.

Most Capricorns are described as intelligent and not having to work hard to have good academic results. I feel like that's pretty accurate, although I'm fairly certain that the level of difficulty you find school work to be, depends so much more on other factors rather than the state of the starts when you were born. Of course, that could also be explained by saying that Capricorns are only good at something when they are determined to reach a particular goal and they feel passionate about it, but then again, isn't that so for everyone? I feel like most people perform better if what they're doing is what they want to be doing. Maybe. However, I can say that for the most part, I have found school fairly easy, it has definitely got a lot harder as my education furthers, but that is to be expected and for me, my results are still to the level that I want them to be. Another thing regarding school is that I do get frustrated if I don't grasp everything right away, which is supposed to be another Capricorn trait.

The main thing that I didn't agree with when it comes to general Capricorn descriptions, is that we are supposed to love to party, drink alcohol and use other questionable substances, for me that has never seemed appealing. So that's definitely the polar opposite for me. We are also supposed to get easily addicted to things such as alcohol and drugs, which again has never been an issue for me since I don't have any desire to use them.

Of course, stemming from the previous thought, the reason Capricorns are supposed to get hooked to drugs and alcohol, is because we generally go through more difficult times than other signs, it's supposed to be related to the fact that we are born under Saturn. I can't say if the difficulties I've gone through have been worse than they are for others, but I have created a method for myself that alwas gets me through whatever is going on around me, I enjoy writing my thoughts down, analysing them, finding solutions, I also enjoy yoga and meditation, which allows my mind to take a brake and change my focus, perhaps that is what has helped me or perhaps the hardest part of my life is still ahead of me and once I reach that point I might stumble or change my ways of coping, I don't see that happening, but I am also not capable of seeing the future, so never know.

Capricorns are usually determined, a little sceptic of people and things that we can't see and prove, also we're not the most trusting it's supposed to take us a while to trust people, we're more inward living people and don't show our emotions as much as most other signs. We are also supposedly problem solvers, when we set ourselves a goal we will most likely reach it, that is again if the goal is something that we really want to achieve. We are usually good friends, understanding, like to help others, all of those things, for the most part, I can't argue with.

Our scepticism is often described as our worst trait, that means that we aren't as openminded as we could be, I can see that somewhat definitely in myself, but I'm also not very narrowminded either and I believe I have improved a lot in that sense. We are also supposed to have big egos, I don't know if that is true for me, I feel like it's difficult to objectively decide whether I have a bigger than average ego, but I don't feel like I do.

I feel like I have gone over the points that I wanted to go over. I am a Capricorn for sure, I have also read some descriptions of other signs and I think Capricorn is the one I'm most similar to, obviously, it is also said that your Sun sign isn't the one that will make all of your traits and they depend on your other signs as well, such as the Moon sign and so on. I'm not saying that the theory of Zodiacs is not true, but I have a difficult time believing that my path in life and personality is decided purely on the state of the starts while I am born. I think the way we are brought up, the things we go through, people we meet and the surroundings that we are born into have a much bigger part in all of it. Then again that might be just the sceptic Capricorn that's speaking in me.

That's all for today, this was just a random chain of thoughts that came to my mind when I read a bit about the Zodiac signs in general, I'm sure it's a lot more complex than what I have grasped by now, so if my thoughts about it change or evolve, I'll write about it again, but for now that's it.

See you in our next post, I do post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so stay tuned.

Kaiela :)


  1. Could you do the same kind of post about Kai maybe? Or me? Would be cool 😃

    1. Sure, if you're interested, I could do both of you :)

    2. Skeptic forever and ever... :D But I'm glad you're trying to be more open minded about those topics. :)

    3. Thanks for the comment and yes I am trying to be a bit more open minded, but still a little sceptic. :)

    4. I am also definitely a sceptic but I think these things are fun to read 😃


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