Christmas crazy :)


It's almost that magical time of the year, that's called Christmas. Me and Kai are huge fans of Christmas, I personally started buying gifts already in July and no it's never too early to buy Christmas gifts.

So obviously as the beautiful time gets closer and closer we get more excited and well maybe a little bit crazy. I might as well mention now that we already have a Christmas tree (a tiny fake Christmas tree) and quite a few gifts not to mention the decorations that are waiting to be set up. I won't even start talking about the amount of Christmas songs that we have listened to lately.

So it's fair to say that we enjoy the season as much as possible, unfortunately it's not so with everyone. We were driving back to the dorm in public transport with our christmas tree and as we got out a rather grumpy middle-aged man stared at us and said: "Christmas is more than a month away".

And yes that is a fact, it is more than a month away, but that doesn't mean that we can't enjoy the spirit of Christmas all year around, whenever we feel it, may it be in June, January or May. Christmas is always less than a year away. (unless it's exactly Christmas day of course then it's a year)

I love making gifts to people, it's almost more exciting than recieving gifts myself, which is obviously also amazing. But surprising someone with something that they couldn't expect, but really wanted, seems like the best feeling in the world.

I  don't think gifts have to be big and very expensive, but thoughtful, maybe a little personal and sentimental. At least that's the kind of gifts I like. The kind of gifts that when i open them I feel like this is really meant for me and is not something generic.

A big part of Christmas is the little sneaky Christmas spirit, that gets under your skin and fills you with joy and excitment and true happiness. I felt like for a few years I lost that feeling, lost the spirit of Christmas and maybe that's what happened to the poor man who I mentioned above, but there are only a few things as magical as the feeling of Christmas, I am so happy that I have found it again.

So enjoy yourself at anytime that the Christmas spirit sneaks up on you, it's a chance to entertain your inner child. We should all feel like little children every once in a while, it helps us stay young at heart and not get tired of life.

Just hear those sleigh bells jinglin', ring ting tinglin...
Kaiela :)


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