
Panic! at the disco

Got the gif from here

I thought it's about time that we introduced our favourite band of all time to the world. I found Panic! at The Disco quite a few years ago, my sister heard one of their songs and recommended it to me, i fell in love with their music immediatley.

This year I also got Kai to love their music, she hadn't heard much of them before, and I think they're a rather unknown name to most people here in Estonia, but their music is definitely one of a kind. I have loved every one of their songs, no matter how weird they are.

Panic! used to be a band of 4, but now only the lead singer Brendon Urie has remained. Their music has changed a lot through the years. All of their albums have had a unique style, but they've all been equally amazing.

I know that a lot of people feel like they've changed too much and nothing from the original Panic! sound has remained, but I feel, like they've just kept it interesting. I still listen to songs from all of their albums almost on a daily basis and have not gotten tired of it.

If I had to describe the music Panic! makes, then I'd probably call it equally crazy, catchy, deep and meaningful. I love how thier lyrics, as well as music videos, can be intrepetated in so many different ways and the way each person understands them depends on them and their life experience individually.

So some of my favourite songs would probably be I Write Sins Not Tragedies, Ballad of Mona Lisa, This is gospel, Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off, Mercinary, Miss Jackson and many more...From the newest album, which will be out in January 2016 I've loved all songs so far, especially Emperor's new clothes, which also has an incredible music video. But all of the other songs are absolutely amazing as well.

I honestly have no bad words to say about the music and art that Panic! creates and would recommend them to anyone interested.

Nevertheless, I understand that their music is not everyone's cup of tea, but me and Kai definitely huge fans.

So that's it for now, see you next time,
Kaiela :)


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