To Kill a Cactus - Bury Me part 1

Chapter - 6

Bury Me

I couldn't sleep all night, I twisted and turned in the small nest I had created for myself, I didn't feel safe, so I wanted to be near the others. I attempted to doze away on a blanket on the floor between Ash and Christopher. Cecilia slept furthest away from Christopher, I couldn't help but wonder what was going through her head. I was not the one to carry a grudge, so it was difficult for me to understand, but I tried.

I think it's obvious without me saying, but it was very uncomfortable, I was crawled up in the fetus position, trying to keep warm, but my skin felt icy and I could barely feel my toes. Ash was quietly mumbling in his sleep, which was a little disturbing as well, but at least he seemed alive, unlike Christopher, who lied on his side, his back facing me and I couldn't even hear him breathing. I didn't know if he actually needed to breathe or if he was in any way alive, the night gave me the opportunity to ponder how little I truly knew about my companions.

I closed my eyes and pulled the fleece blanket covering me closer to my face. It smelled like fire, I wonder what adventures it had been through, I wished that the warmth of the fire had been there to keep me defrost, but instead, it felt as if I was slowly freezing to the bone.

The cut on my hand hurt quite a bit, more than it had during the day. I imagined that it was inflamed since I hadn't done anything to clean or heal it. I could feel it when I ran my finger over it, but it was barely visible on my skin, just a slight hint of pink against my pale white skin.

I rolled up even more and tried to not kick Christopher in the back while doing so, I did not succeed, he didn't seem to mind though. Either he was deeply asleep or he was choosing to let me get away with it.

Finally, a few hours before sunrise, I feel into dreamland, which was filled with cute little bunnies riding unicorns and eating rainbow cake. My biggest concern was whether that type of diet was healthy for their tiny bodies. I woke up a couple of hours later feeling dead and very hungry. I wondered if that's what being a zombie felt like. 

Christopher was the only one up, he was sitting beside me, gently supporting himself up on the wall, writing something in his journal. His eyes were on the pages, but I knew that he knew I was awake. It was the oddest feeling, being around him, he was nothing like anyone else I had ever met. Fair enough, he was the first zombie I had ever had a semi-normal conversation with. 

My stomach was grumbling, I attempted to squeeze myself into a ball to lessen the noise, but I was unsuccessful as usual, it sounded like a train made its way through insides.

"Shall we have breakfast?" Christopher asked swiftly getting up barely making a noise.

I nodded and made myself out from the nest, I wrapped one of the blankets around me trying to keep away the cold.

We moved to a kitchen area, where Christopher had already prepared a weird porridge type concoction, he poured some of it into a bowl and handed it to me.

"Thanks, " I mumbled as I dug into the food. It wasn't rainbow cake, but it was pretty damn good nonetheless.

I couldn't help but notice that during the time I had spent with him, he hadn't had a bite to eat, so the question did circle my mind. 

"What do you eat?" I asked feeling very foolish and instantly looking back down to the bowl as if my life depended on whether I get that last oat flake.

"Brains," he answered dead seriously.

"Really?" I couldn't help but sound a little shocked.

"No, not really, I have a slightly more complicated way of getting my daily energy," he answered.

"Can you tell me about it?" I continued with my questions as had become usual to me.

"Sure," he nodded.


To Be Continued


  1. Why do you end the part like this? It is so not fair. So many questions still unanswered. Keep the parts coming!!!

    1. New parts will be up as soon as possible, I've been rather busy lately, but I'll do my best :)


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