To Kill a Cactus - The Wise Ones part 5

The Wise Ones part 4: HERE


The three of them were cleaning themselves up, luckily there were extra clothes in the house and everyone started looking more like regular humans and less like they had just swum in a pool of blood. The streets had gone completely quiet, leaving everyone startled about what had happened.

Christopher seemed to be the only one with no visible wounds, he just had a lot of blood on him. I couldn't help but notice that the blood on them was human blood, not the greenish zombie blood. The others didn't say a thing about it and I didn't want to ask either. Ash and Cecilia were talking and laughing among themselves in the distant corner away from me. It seemed that they had bonded and I couldn't help but feel a little left out. Christopher had his face in a book. He also didn't seem too happy about the fact that after all this time his sister was so distant from him. Once everyone came back in, Cecilia moved away from him right away, I don't know what had happened between them, but the girl definitely was making it obvious that she didn't want him around.

I looked at the tiny cut on my hand, it was such a thin line, it felt a little sore, but at the same time, it was barely visible as if everything that happened was just a bad dream. I rolled my sleeve back down and decided to not bring it up, after all they had gone through, my little scratch was probably the least of our problems.

"What is our plan now?" I asked Christopher.

He lifted his head from the book and seemed delighted that I distracted him from his thoughts.

"I think that our best option would be to get you to a laboratory, I know one not too far from here, but I think getting there might be a struggle. Something or someone is trying to keep us away from the streets. What happened was not a coincidence, I think someone is out to harm you," he answered, he looked back down to his book, it was in a language I could not understand, the letters seemed foreign and almost as if they had been handwritten.

"So do you think it's possible that someone was trying to distract you to find a way to harm me?" I continued after a brief moment of silence. I could feel the wound of my hand pulsating, but I forced myself to push it to the back of my mind.

"I don't know. It's possible, either way, I think this just the beginning of everything. Those zombies you saw tonight weren't just any ordinary zombies, they were the wise ones, I have never seen so many of my kind working together. It was strange, Ash and Cecilia should've died considering how outnumbered we were, something's not adding up, but I'm trying to find out what it might be," he explained turning another page of his book.

"And this book, it'll help you find out more?" I asked again.

"Oh,'s not really a book, this is actually my journal," he answered and showed the last page of the book, it was half filled with scribbles, but I could recognise my name.

"What language is it in?" I hesitantly asked, feeling a little foolish that I didn't recognise it.

"It's all in English, I just have really bad handwriting," he smiled and pushed the book in front of me, I had to stare at the pages for a while before the letters started coming together and forming words.

"I think bad is an understatement, I should give you some calligraphy courses," I laughed.

He laughed with me, I think it was the first time I had seen him remotely not worried and serious. I looked behind him and saw Cecilia staring at me with despise and hate in her eyes, so I looked back down and the smile faded from my eyes.

"Don't mind my sister, we have a difficult relationship, it's not your fault," Christopher tried to console me.

I nodded, but I couldn't shake the feeling that it was somehow my fault. Like everything bad happening was linked to me and I had no control over it. 


To Be Continued


  1. I'd love to see a page from that journal! What is the deal with Cecilia? She seems nice but the hate and difficult relationship with Christopher make her a bit of a mystery. And whose blood was it if it wasn't zombie blood??? :O

    1. Those are all very good questions, which hopefully will be answered soon :)


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