To Kill a Cactus - Bury Me part 2

Bury Me part 1: HERE


"Actually it may come as a surprise to you, but ever since I became a zombie, I have completely lost my appetite for meat, whether it be red meat or poultry, can't even handle fish and I used to be the biggest fan of sushi, for my fifth birthday we had a sushi party and I was dressed up as a uramaki with tuna and sesame seeds, it was the best day of my life. However now, it's just not appetising, I crave things that are drier, such as breadcrumbs and dehydrated fruit, sometimes the weirdest things make me feel so hungry, such as dry spices and uncooked rice, yesterday I had an entire jar of coffee beans. But honestly, I don't need any of those things, I can survive without food for years, during my time in captivity they didn't feed me for 27 months, I felt a little irritated but fine," Christopher explained.

I was staring at him with amazement in my eyes, everything he said seemed so interesting, it's almost as if the cure sort of worked on him, apart from all of the side effects, I wonder what they changed in the formula to create the crazy lifeless zombies when looking at Christopher, he didn't seem too unusual, he was a little reserved and controlled, perhaps not the most open person, but with everything he had gone through, I felt a sympathy for him. I wanted to trust him, I felt as if I could, but parts of my mind weren't very sure. What if he used some mind tricks to control me, what was his deal, what was his agenda, the people at his hospital were dodgy as well, the majority seemed to think that I was a threat, what if he felt the same way and this was just a huge scheme to get me to do work for him. All those thoughts ran through my head and I felt even more insane than before. Nonetheless, he seemed to be my only option since Ash only had eyes for Cecilia and I was apparently yesterday's news.

Christopher had pulled out his journal again, I tried to make out the letters that he was writing down, but they just looked like scribbles. Silence was filling the room, I couldn't help but absentmindedly stroke the wound on my arm, it didn't look like it wanted to heal, but at the same time, it didn't particularly bother me. I wondered if I should tell Christopher about what had happened, but I was pretty sure they'd think I was insane. I didn't even know if everything that happened was real or the first signs of my mental health deteriorating.

"What's that?" Christopher asked. He had noticed the scratch on my hand.

"It's just a cut, I...something happened yesterday, I'm not sure, it's probably nothing.." I could hear myself mumbling the words and my face was turning red for no apparent reason as if I had been caught doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing.

Christopher was only looking at the tiny cut though, it seemed as if he wasn't even listening to me, so I closed my mouth before any other mind vomit could come out of it.

"It's definitely not just a scratch, this is an infected area," he said running his hand over it. I could feel the coldness run through my hand as if it wasn't a part of me at all. It scared me how dead my hand felt.

"What, how?" I barely whispered, my voice was trembling, "Will I turn into a zombie?"

Christopher shook his head.

"The infection is not spreading, the line here is where the needle went in, perhaps whoever did this couldn't inject you for some reason and this is all that got to your system or maybe you are somehow immune, I'm not sure, but I think you can feel the infection, right?" he asked.

I nodded, I could feel the little foreign pulse moving in my arm, I didn't know how I could ignore it before, it felt so strong.

"How did it happen?" he continued.

"I'm not sure, it's all a bit foggy, when Ash and Cecilia left I heard someone moving in the office and I got scared and then this happened," tears were starting to fill my eyes, I tried to push them down, but I was scared, everything around me was scary, all I wanted to do was to be somewhere far far away in the forest with my fostered wild animals.

"Do you mind if I look into your mind, I might see something that you missed?" he asked carefully.

I felt a wave of horror run through my body, I wasn't sure if I was ready to let anyone see what was going on in my head, but somehow I could hear myself say yes, I guess that was my brain making the decision for me.


To Be Continued


  1. I was afraid she was going to turn into a zombie so I'm glad that for whatever reason, she isn't. Christopher in a sushi costume really brought a smile on my face 😃 I so wish I didn't have to wait for another episode!!!

    1. i'm glad you enjoyed it and that it brought a smile to your face, i'll try to get the new part up as soon as possible.


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