Recipe Review: Three Different Healthy Bliss Balls

Hello :)

Today I'm here again with a healthy recipe review, we tried making a variety of healthier snacks for Halloween and ended up making three different types of little bliss balls, as they are called. They're all vegan and contain plenty of different minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, so let's get into them.

The first ones we tried were made of dates, sunflower seeds, walnuts, spirulina, a bit of lemon juice, chia seeds and cold pressed cocnut oil. The base was made of the three first ingrediences I listed, so they really dominated the flavour of the balls, at least in my opinion, they tasted very strongly of walnuts, so if that's a flavour you like, you'll love them. We were a bit scared that it might be to strongly flavoured of spirulina, since it is a very powerful flavour, but luckily it wasn't too overpowering. They were quite nice in our opinion, but all of our guest didn't quite appreciate them as much, they are a flavour to get used to, especially if you're new to the world of health foods, but we liked them.

The second ones we tried were orange and apricot balls, the main part of the balls contained sunflower seeds, dried apricots, tahini (we used regular, but you could also opt for orange flavoured), dates and a bit of coconut flakes, in addition to those main ingrediences, we added macca powder and Himalayan salt. To make the balls taste more like orange,we also crated some orange peel and added that for an extra kick of orange. These ones tasted good as well, at least in my opinion, they did taste like orange, maybe a bit bitter for some tastebuds, but again, we liked them. They were more difficult to form into balls than the previous ones though, since they melted faster, and they should also be held in the fridge for as long as possible before serving.

Lastly we created a ball mixture out of everything we had left and simply wanted to use up, so we made our own little recipe of minty chocolate, coconut flakes, dates, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, macca powder, a bit of spirulina and covered them also in mint cristals, so they were very fresh and minty, we liked them and they seemed to be one of the guest favourites as well. The balls were unfortunately very difficult to form, maybe we went a bit to town with the peanut butter, but all in all they were still good and not impossible the make look presentable.

So that's about it, all of the balls were easy to make, simply blend together all of the ingrediences, the amounts can be varied a bit, depending on prefrence, the main thing is to make sure that the consistency would be good enough to create the balls inbetween your palms. You can also add some things you have at home, since bliss balls really are something you can play around with a lot and experiment with different flavours.

Hope you liked our short little recipe review, we based them on the cookbook of and Estonian blogger, who I shall link HERE.

Kaiela :)


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