Eurovision 2016 our top 10 (15.02.16)

Hello :)

At last 10 songs of this year's Eurovision song contest have been announced and we get to do another top of our favourites, so far we've had just one listen to the newest songs out and will be judging by first impressions of them, so there's a chance that our thoughts about certain songs will change as time goes on, but for now, our top 10:

As usual me and Kai gave points to all songs from 1 to 10 and based on those points we made the top.

10. Austria

The song itself is sweet and cute, but a bit too sweet for our music taste. However, it's well sung and definitely not a bad song, just not our cup of tea.

9. Denmark

Again not a bad song at all, it actually has the chance to climb in at least in my top, but I haven't listened to it a lot and need some time to gather my final thoughts on it.

8. Albania

This song has grown on me a little, but it's still not something I could imagine myself listening to after Eurovision. Still loving, that it's in their native language and the instruments sound beautiful as well.

7. Malta

Again, not quite my cup of tea, but me and Kai disagreed on this one, she liked it a lot more than I did. It's an ok song, but hasn't grown on me.

6. Belarus

Something about this song catches my attention, I enjoy listening to it just a little bit more than the previous ones. His live vocals weren't very good, but I'm hoping, he's working on that.

5. Belgium

Another song with maybe not so strong live vocals, but her energy and joy on stage is visable and also very enjoyable. The song itself is also very happy and cheerful, without getting too much.
4. Ireland

Ireland is still high in our top. I enjoy the song, although it has more of a pop sound, than most songs I would normally listen to it. It's definitely well produced and I'm sure he can make it work on stage.

3. Italy

We both rated this song rather high, because we love the sound of the italian language and the song has a nice sound to it. We liked it already after the first listen and hope it'll do well.

2. Switzerland

This year's song from Switzerland is quite a pearl, it's well written, with a good sound and very well performed. Loved it also from the first listen.

1. Spain

The spanish song has remained our favourite, since it came out. At first I wasn't quite sure about it and I still enjoy the verse part more, but all in all I like it and the emotion that it has. The live performance was also very strong.

So that's it for today, it's getting harder and harder putting these tops together, next one will be when at least 15 songs are out.

Kaiela :)


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