Marching into March

Hello :)

Since February is at it's end, I thought it would be only suitable to do a followup to our Fantastic February post, which if you haven't read yet, is linked HERE. So we set ourselves some goals for the month and now it's time to see how many of them we managed to fulfil.

I'd say we managed about 8,5/10

Here are the ones we did do:

  1. Survive the beginning of the semester. - We did it, no comments needed on this one, I think
  2. Go to all classes! - It wasn't difficult at all, wen't to all classes that we were supposed to.
  3. Keep the desk at least half-tidy. - I'd give us half a point for this one, but at least their creatively messy...
  4. Try a new recipie...and have it turn out as it's actually supposed to. - Did that you can see my vegan desserts post if you click here.
  5. Bury the dead pot plant we still have sitting on our room... - Well, we did dispose of in peace Suzy.
  6. Remove the Christmas decorations...yep, they're still up. - Done :)
  7. Get a new pot plant and give it  him/her a name. - We actually got two, cactuses. They're adorable.
  8. Get up before the alarm, maybe? - Maybe :)
  9. Try new vegan foods. - Did that, you can see some of our reviews here.
I think it's obvious that I didn't get Kai to sing, although now that I think about it, she did sing a few words, when she tghought I didn't hear her, so maybe I'd give us half a point for this one as well.

Maybe we'll be setting ourselves some goals for the upcoming month as well, but that's another post.
Until next time,
Kaiela :)


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